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Like A Prayer

Atrios links to Dana Milbanks’ article about Junior’s sweets habit and quotes a passage from Stephen Mansfield’s, “The Faith of George W. Bush” which says: “Aides found him face down on the floor in prayer in the Oval Office. It became known that he refused to eat sweets while American troops were in Iraq, a partial fast seldom reported of an American president.”

I guess it’s significant that Bush ended his alleged self-imposed partial fast, but frankly, it’s the lying face down on the floor praying thing that freaks me out.

What the hell? Do Methodists lie face down on the floor to pray these days?

I know that some super-fundamentalists and charismatic Christians, in the throes of an ecstatic revival meeting will throw themselves down on the floor face first. And Muslims pray this way 5 times a day. But, it’s a little bit unusual, to say the least, for a Methodist to take this position in prayer in the middle of their office.

I think maybe there’s a little bit more to this story than meets the eye, don’t you? Isn’t it just a bit more believable that somebody was taking a little unauthorized afternoon nap? (Perhaps as a result of an authorized afternoon nip…?)

Maybe Junior had a couple more “pretzels” than doctors think is wise or didn’t get his usual 15.5 hours of sleep and just fell over in exhaustion. Maybe he was madly searching the carpet for the fine bud he was just sure he remembered dropping the night before.

All of those scenarios are more likely than Cap’n FratRat praying face down on the floor all by himself. Yeah.

In spite of all the hoohah about carnal acts in the oval office, at least the Clenis was hands free and fully alert while he was on duty. In fact, his concentration was amazing. Junior can’t even stay upright.

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