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Poetic Justice

Uggabugga has one of his patented charts up showing how the unbelievable Evan Thomas Newsweek article frames the Rush pill popping story as the sad, sad story of a shy, retiring guy who’s just looking for love in all the wrong places. I couldn’t believe it either, and Quiddity very nicely lays it out in all it’s vomit inducing glory.

Thomas sets forth Rush’s excuse that he took these drugs for back pain as if it is a proven fact. But, he apparently never mentioned back pain to the housekeeper (although he did say his left ear was bothering him at one point) and the e-mails that are published don’t ever mention pain. He doesn’t say, “it takes more and more to ease the pain,” or “I need at least 30 a day to get relief.” What he says is “I want to go out with a bang, tee hee.” or “They obviously go longer when mixed with the little blues, which I really like.”

I simply can’t dredge up any compassion for this guy no matter how hard I try. Being revealed as a drug addict, one who illegally purchased drugs on the black market — many of which are obtained by stealing from people who really need the medication — is poetic justice.

He has never shown one ounce of sympathy for the misfortunes of anyone, always chalking up whatever problems people have with weakness of character or laziness or the liberal culture of decadence. I doubt if he has ever in his life thought, “there but for the grace of God go I,” always assuming that his success is attributable to his moral superiority, which also protects him from the vagaries that beset those whom he considered lesser beings.

This petty demagogue, who has done more than any single person to destroy the last vestiges of civil discourse in this country — this purveyor of lies who transformed the stupid, corrupt fringe of hate radio into a mass media phenomenon and brought it into mainstream thinking — this Goebbels of the modern, quasi-fascist Republican Party that now threatens to do to the country as a whole what it has done to our political system — this weak man, this immoral man deserves everything that’s happening to him.

It’s called karma.

Oh, and Jonah, please feel free to use this as an example of leftist hate speech and lack of compassion toward Rush. And use this one too, if you like (although it might undercut your argument just a tad if anyone happens to read the excerpts of Rush’s right wing hate speech toward old people who can’t afford their heart medications.)

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