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To those who are jumping on Clark for being a tool of the evil DLC, while also jumping on Clark for allowing “smart cookie” Donnie Fowler to go, be advised that said smart cookie is also one of the DLC Washington crowd. He worked on all 3 Clinton/Gore campaigns and his father was the chairman of the Democratic Party. He’s not exactly a fresh faced internet activist.

It’s entirely probable that Fowler has some other reasons for resigning that are a little less…romantic.

This is inside baseball crapola and at the moment, it is far more entertaining and worthwhile to watch the Red Sox and the Cubs try to defy history.

Clark’s organizational issues will or will not take care of themselves.

One thing people really need to get a grip on about Clark’s campaign is that any thought that it’s going to be an up by the bootstraps grassroots effort like Dean’s is kidding themselves. He’s a different kind of candidate with a different approach. Perhaps it isn’t as thrillingly participatory at the moment, but it has its own logic, timing and strategy.

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