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Put your feet up, click and enjoy:

Jesse on the victimization of rich white people.

Jim Cappazola on friendship, good hair and Marlene Dietrich

Elton Beard on Insty Confidential. (I’m surprised there wasn’t more buzz on this. It was quite the fluffy puffer.)

Chris Anderson at Interesting Times

“The only empty warheads I’m sure exist are the ones currently working in the White House.”


Cowboy Kahlil on “the hypocrisy of the current drug war, that incarcerates self-medicators or self-abusers while the greater fatality rates accrue from the use of legal drugs.”

Lisa English on Bush’s “mandate.”

See the Forest on agri-business, vegetarianism and cute pot bellied pigs

Julia on the Michigan affirmative action case

Skimble on cracker chic and other good stuff

TBOGG on Mr. Lively’s Pro Family Law Center and his bad boy obsession.

Oh, just one little snippet:

Fortunately he has provided us with the Triangle of Tolerance so that we can live a godly life. My guess is that watching Will & Grace falls under “Reasonable Tolerance” while actually enjoying Will & Grace thrusts you into “Zero Tolerance”, somewhere between drunk driving and violent crime. Enjoying Queer as Folk, however, sends you straight to “Re-education Camp and Possible Shock Treatment”, so watch your ass, Mary.

Ted Barlow’s lightbulb series is destined to become legendary and for good reason. They are all hilarious, but this one made me spew the coffee:

Q: How many Green party voters does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Dude, we shouldn’t have to change lightbulbs. GE has this secret lab in Costa Rica, and they made a lightbulb out of hemp that totally lasts forever.

Avedon Carol on class warfare

Devra on zoos and big cats

And speaking of cats:

Kevin Drum on PoMo science on the right. (A subject I want to write about too when I get time.)

Eschaton for japanese internment, pickering, fundy perverts, ….everything.

Incidentally, I know I need to update the blogroll, but for some reason I have a mental block. I will do it soon. There a many wonderful blogs I want to include.

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