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The Big Lie

“The White House is saying this is the second 100 days the president will have because of the strength of the 2002 election,” said Grover Norquist, an anti-tax activist who is close to Bush aides. “It is as if the president has been reelected.”

haha. You wish.


Mickey Kaus is quite the catty bitch here.

They’re after him: Prof. Eugene Volokh (not me!) on whether Paul Krugman’s latest distillation of complaints against the Bush administration’s creation of a cult of personality, its obsessive secretiveness, its propensity for mass arrests, and its evident fondness for Big-Brotherish schemes of public surveillance is a sign of formerly “reasoned criticism” turning into “blind hatred.” Volokh particularly derides the “cult of personality” charge (“Oh, yes, outside my office window I see the sign on the street corner — ‘Long live Bush, hero of all times and nations!'”).

Ask V.I. Norquist about his plans for a George W. Bush legacy project, Mickey. Haven’t you heard? Ronnie Raygun may have single handedly smote the Commies, but Junior is ridding the world of evil for all time. And then he will rise bodily into heaven.

Oops they did it again

But Bush doesn’t like caution. Besides which, he got a look at Pickering’s soul this past year and seems to have liked what he saw. Given his success at soul-reading Putin, Bush has reason to think he’s pretty good at it.

Dubya Dazzles the Opposition John Podhoretz

What is this cult of personality you speak of, comrade?

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