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Make it so!

Make it so!
by digby

Greg Sargent points out a revealing anecdote in the Woodward book:

Woodward recounts that then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson repeatedly argued against pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, informing Trump that Iran was complying with it. But on multiple occasions, Trump responded by simply repeating the phrase, “They’re in violation,” as if he could make this true through force of will. 

The scenes bring to mind the schoolyard bully who keeps belligerently spouting false things in his prey’s face to force him to capitulate and repeat the lie himself, confirming his total submission. Only in this case, the bullying assertion formed the basis for a critical geopolitical decision that could have enormously important long term consequences.

If the King says it’s true then it’s true.

And, by the way, the “grown-ups” didn’t stop him. 


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