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Someone intruded into his safe space

Someone intruded into his safe space

by digby


“Fox & Friends First” thought they had an interview lined up Monday morning with Ann Kirkpatrick, a former congresswoman and returning Democratic candidate for Congress who, at a candidates’ forum on Thursday, had raised her hand in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and in condemnation of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). 

Instead, apparently due to a producer’s mix-up, they booked Massachusetts State Rep. Barbara L’Italien, also a congressional candidate, whose website advertises her support for abolishing ICE. L’Italien wasted no time Monday morning condemning President Donald Trump’s family separations on Fox News.

“Joining us now, that candidate, the only Democrat on stage to support ICE, Ann Kirkpatrick, we appreciate it,” host Jillian Mele began. “Tell us why you do support ICE?” 

“Good morning,” L’Italien responded. “I’m actually here to speak directly to Donald Trump. I feel that what’s happening at the border is wrong. I’m a mother of four, and I believe that separating kids from their parents is illegal and inhumane.” 

She continued, revealing herself: “I’m actually Barbara L’Italien. I’m a state senator representing a large immigrant community. I’m running for Congress in Massachusetts. I keep thinking about what we’re putting parents through, imagining how terrifying that must be for those families, imagining how it would feel not knowing if I’d ever see my kids again. We have to stop abducting children and ripping them from their parents’ arms, and stop putting kids in cages, and stop making 3-year-olds defend themselves in court.” 

“That practice has stopped at this point, Ms. Kirkpatrick, right?” host Rob Schmitt interjected. 

“Kids have been reunited with their families,” Mele attempted.

L’Italien continued: “Again, my name is Barbara L’Italien, and I refuse to believe that our only options are open borders or traumatizing—“ 

The Massachusetts candidate’s video feed cut off. 

“Okay,” Smidt said. “Who is this?”


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