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I’m Afraid It’s Only A Matter of Time by tristero

I’m Afraid It’s Only A Matter of Time 

by tristero

Here on Hullabaloo, Tom Sullivan recently posted a tweet informing us that Trump supporter Michael Scheuer, an ex-CIA spook, bestselling author and world-class paranoid approvingly mentioned the growing interest on the right in assassinating those opposed to Trump:

As this week’s end, it seems likely that it is quite near time for killing those involved in the multiple and clearly delineated attempts to stage a coup d’état against the legitimately elected [sic] Trump government and thereby kill our republic. 

Finally, this week saw a significant and quickening advance toward the moment when those millions of well-armed citizens who voted for Trump, and who have been abused or wounded by Democrats, their Antifa-thugs, and their thug-civil servants for exercising their franchise to elect Trump, cannot be, in good conscience, patient for much longer.

Fortunately, they have in hand a long and very precise list of the names and photographs…

That’s right. Scheur even provided a list of people who it is “quite near time to kill.”

A day later, I came across this:

As Occupy Ice camps continue to spread across the US, some activists have warned that they have been subjected to intimidation by armed, Trump-supporting counter-protesters… 

American Action Force 3% members arrived at the Occupy Ice Louisville camp, outside the city’s Ice building, early on 14 July. Many in the group were carrying guns.

As Chekov memorably said, “One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isn’t going to go off. It’s wrong to make promises you don’t mean to keep.” In this case, the “stage” is ICE protests. But, to paraphrase another dramatist, in Trump’s reality-show America, any action protesting Trump is potentially a stage, and we are but targets.

It is my sincere hope that I am wrong but I’m afraid Charlottesville was a prelude.

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