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Flake vs a Real Anti-Trumper by tristero

Flake vs a Real Anti-Trumper

by tristero

Jeff Flake just loves to portray himself over and over and over again as a man courageously holding the dreadful Trump to account.

The truth is that Flake votes the dreadful Trump agenda 84.1% of the time, and not over trivial procedural matters. Flake voted for a torture apologist to head the CIA. He voted for Pompeo. He opposed reinstating net neutrality. He voted to roll back some of the Dodd-Frank regulations. He supported banning abortions after 20 weeks.

He… oh, man, do I really have to go on? Flake = Trump but with just a little bit less orange.

By contrast, Warren votes Trump 9.6% of the time. That’s how a real opponent of Trump and Trumpism votes.

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