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The Nobel Participation Trophy

The Nobel Participation Trophy

by digby

“Considering Barack Obama received the prize for simply having a pulse and then recklessly destabilizing the globe, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could keep a straight face while questioning if Trump deserves one,” Kelsey Knight, a spokesman for Rep. Jim Renacci, an Ohio Republican running for the Senate, said in a statement…

We all know this is just Trump and the Republicans demanding they be get the prize because Obama got it, but still, considering that he’s the most bellicose, bloodthirsty, self-proclaimed torture loving psycho president we’ve ever had, it’s just too Orwellian for words that they are demanding the Peace Prize for President “bomb the shit out of ’em and keep the oil” Trump:

The idea that Trump deserves a Nobel first originated when the possibility of that summit seemed strong. In the letter sent on May 2 to the Nobel Committee (PDF), a group of House Republicans lauded the president for bringing North and South Korea together in an effort to end “the Korean War [and to] seek to reunify their countries[.]” Trump was also credited in starting “the process to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula” with “peace through strength policies” that brought North Korea “to the negotiating table.”

At the time, those lawmakers were mocked and criticized for the premature celebration of the summit’s success. And, sure enough, things soon began to fall apart. Two weeks after the letter was sent, the North canceled their talks with the South in reaction to joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises. A few weeks later, the planned summit between North Korea and the U.S. was canceled with a letter from the president’s desk.

Some of the lawmakers who initially wanted Trump to get the Nobel have remained committed to the idea even as they acknowledge that the award may not come as quickly.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), one of the signatories, said the president should be “commended” for getting more done than “any other of our former presidents,” but that the Nobel would have to come after the talks.

Why wait? He also should get the Medal of Honor for his bravery in the GOP debates against Li’l Marco and Lyin’ Ted and I think it’s obvious that he should receive the Jean Herscholt Humanitarian Award for his contributions to

Just get on with it, then name his horse to the Senate and declare him Emperor for life.

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