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A tiny bit of hope

A tiny bit of hope

by digby

I don’t know what to make of this, but perhaps it will give you something to hope for:

Just 36 percent of voters say they would vote for Trump over a generic Democratic candidate in 2020, compared with 44 percent who would pick the Democrat, the poll shows. One in five voters, 20 percent, are undecided.

Trump has trouble on the homefront, too. Despite the conventional wisdom that the president is wildly popular with the GOP base, the poll also shows a desire among a healthy slice of Republicans — though a distinct minority — for a challenger to run against Trump for the nomination.

Sounds good, right? Well….

While the poll suggests Trump is being buffeted on all sides, he may be stronger than the data suggest. On Election Day 2016, only 38 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of the then-GOP candidate, according to exit polls. More than three in five voters, 61 percent, said he wasn’t qualified to be president.

Obviously, it’s way to early to judge anything about 2020. And the Democrat who runs against him will get such a full Trump going-over that he or she will be unrecognizable by the time it’s all over. Still, there’s a slight glimmer of hope that despite a roaring economy only 36 percent of Americans say they would vote for this lunatic again.

That 36 percent, though. They seem to be in charge at the moment for reasons that don’t really make much sense.


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