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Live by the braindead celebrity, die by the braindead celebrity

Live by the braindead celebrity, die by the braindead celebrity

by digby

Kanye West has already fulfilled at least one current job requirement for being president of the United States — producing tweets that provoke confusion and controversy among the American public. But West still hasn’t cracked one essential measure of support: An endorsement from a member of Congress.

“Rappers are not normally in the sweet spot for my endorsement,” House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows told THE WEEKLY STANDARD on Wednesday morning.

And Florida Republican Brian Mast responded with a firm “no” when asked if the rapper had his vote. “I’ve never been a fan of most of the things that I hear come out of his mouth,” Mast explained. But the congressman added that Americans from all walks of life can run for office: “That’s the system that we have. Nobody is born into this.”

“Maybe he’ll go out there and show that he has some great things and some great ideas and some great leadership to offer. But I’m not going to hold my breath,” said Mast.

Buried in a series of vague posts ranging from missives on love, his deal with Adidas, and upcoming music, West on Tuesday night reaffirmed his plans to run for president in 2024. He has also been vocally supportive of President Trump and policies that lean to the right.

I thought the Democrats were going to be saddled with having to deal with people making fun of this guy. Looks like he’s GOP for real. He is very wealthy, but the black thing might be a bit of a problem.

He’s a whole lot like Trump, you have to admit.

In case you were wondering:

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