Rules for thee but not for me
by digby
The Daily Beast reports that the Trump Hotel employee handbook shows Trump and his organization understand the dangers of nepotism, collusion and conflict of interest very well. They just don’t think it applies to themselves:
The handbook has strong words about hiring family members.
“While TIHLV [Trump International Hotel Las Vegas] does not wish to deprive itself of the services of potentially valuable Associates by establishing a policy excluding the employment of relatives, it must be acknowledged, that such employment can result in the appearance of a conflict of interest, collusion, favoritism, and other undesirable work environment conditions,” the handbook says. “Therefore, management reserves the right to limit the employment of relatives in situations within the company if a conflict of interest is deemed to exist.”
The handbook bars relatives from working “under the direct or indirect supervision of a relative.” It also bars relatives from working “in situations that create the possibility of conflicts of interest,” without the written approval of senior management officials.
“Prohibited activity includes ‘offensive sexual jokes, sexual language, sexual epithets, sexual gossip, sexual comments or sexual inquiries’ and unwelcome flirting.”
This rule, however, clearly didn’t apply to the Trump family. The handbook includes photos of Trump himself, as well as his daughter Ivanka and his sons, Don Jr. and Eric. Don Jr. was hired by his father in 2001. Ivanka and Eric followed in 2005 and 2006, respectively.
It worked out so well for him that he brought his son-in-law on board.
And lord knows Trump and his sons have never said or done anything sexually inappropriate while on the job.