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Follow the trail of dead Russians

Follow the trail of dead Russians

by digby

Yesterday, the UK Prime Minister said this in a public speech regarding the attempted assassination with nerve gas against a man and his daughter in Salisbury England:

“Either this was a direct action by the Russian state against our country, or the Russian government lost control of its potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others.”

The attack happened last week. The US intelligence community knows all the details as well.

Until today the President of the United States couldn’t be bothered to even spew out a tepid tweet on the matter. Today he said in passing that he was going to speak with May today and:

“As soon as we get the facts straight, if we agree with them, we will condemn Russia or whoever it may be.” 

Again, he is reluctant to condemn his friend Vladimir Putin. He knows all the facts. He simply cannot do it.

There is no more evidence of collusion necessary than his ongoing refusal to acknowledge what Russia is doing. It is right out there in the open. The Russian government is killing people in the streets of America’s most important ally. Trump refuses to condemn it.


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