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Karma’s a bitch

Karma’s a bitch

by digby

Roger Stone was convicted on all counts today in a trial that showed he and Trump were colluding with Wikileaks during the 2016 election and Stone lied about it under oath. (So did Trump, actually, in his written answers to Mueller but we all know that president are immune from prosecution while in office just because.)

Anyway, enjoy the schadenfreude as you read this:

President Donald Trump’s longtime adviser Roger Stone spent much of the 2016 presidential campaign launching attacks against the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. His website and associated social media accounts are filled with memes and doctored images that portray Clinton as old, sick, or in prison. Stone also frequently posted messages on Twitter calling for Clinton’s imprisonment and even started a petition advocating her prosecution that he shared with the hashtag #lockherup.

The image appears to be authentic and was likely created to promote merchandise sold via the Infowars conspiracy theory website. Stone sold a similar version of this shirt on his own website, Stone Cold Truth, accompanied by the caption “Wear them loud, wear them proud and help get the word out that all of these globalist criminals, Republican and Democrat alike, should be held accountable for their crimes.”

This is yet another Trump henchman going down trying to protect him. Cohen, Stone and perhaps soon, Giuliani. All the dirty tricksters are paying the price.


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