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You were expecting Ralph Bunche? by @BloggersRUs

You were expecting Ralph Bunche?
by Tom Sullivan

Haiti is taking steps to register formal outrage over Oval Office remarks by the sitting president that Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations are “shithole countries,” arguing that the United States should bring in more immigrants from Norway instead.

After her good night’s sleep, Sarah Huckabee will be no doubt in championship form in her daily briefing. Nothing to see here, folks.

After breaking the story yesterday, the Washington Post reports this morning on how, because the statement came from the President of the United States, media outlets (the Post included) have shunned their usual decorum and instead are running the quote unedited:

Such a comment made by the president, especially in front of several witnesses, is newsworthy, no matter how reprehensible it may be, said Ben Zimmer, a linguist and lexicographer who writes a language column in The Wall Street Journal.

“It was incumbent on media outlets to present what he said without extradition or euphemization,” he said.

MSNBC ran it as a Breaking News banner last night.

“This is beyond unbefitting of the presidency, which it is. This is beyond not presidential, this is beyond ‘oh, the big tent Republican party dream has died,’” Daily Beast’s editor-in-chief John Avalon told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “This is straight up racist.”

And so unfair. So unfair that the media reports exactly what the president says.

[Attending the first-annual Democratic Candidates Conference outside Washington for the next couple of days. May first-timers trying to learn the ropes. They will need your support.]

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Request a copy of For The Win, my county-level election mechanics primer, at tom.bluecentury at gmail.

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