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Tanned, rested and ready

Tanned, rested and readyby digby

Trump’s bff,= and Senate candidate, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is ready to tackle all the most important issues:

Former Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio resurfaced false claims on Wednesday that former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a “forgery” and said Congress should pass a law requiring such documents to be examined.

“I’m going to tell you again that that document is a forgery document,” Arpaio told WABC’s Rita Cosby.”And nobody will touch it.”

“I wanted to get it to Congress so they can pass some type of law – regulation – that when somebody runs for president you ought to check their background, so this won’t happen again,” he added. “But I can’t get anybody – anybody – to even look at it.”

Arpaio announced on Tuesday that he will seek the Republican nomination in Arizona’s 2018 Senate race. He told Cosby on Wednesday that he would raise the issue of Obama’s birth certificate in Congress.

He’s a Trump guy through and through.

And look here:

Former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is in a statistical tie with Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) in the Republican Senate primary in Arizona, according to a new poll.

The ABC15/OHPI poll shows 85-year-old Arpaio, who on Tuesday announced his plans to run for the Senate seat, has 29 percent support in the race.

McSally, 51, who is also expected to jump into the race soon but has not made a formal announcement, has 31 percent support, according to the poll.

Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, 48, has 25 percent support in the poll.
The poll was conducted Tuesday among 504 likely Republican voters. Its margin of error is 4.36 percentage points.

Ward is as nutty as Arpaio and McSally is no prize. This should be quite a race.

The CW seems to be that the seat must be won by a Republican but Clinton only lost the state by 3.5 points. This could be a pick-up, especially if they end up nominating Arpaio or Ward.

Trump may come to regret pardoning his old buddy.


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