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The simplicity of nothingness

The simplicity of nothingnessby digby

Jonathan Schell 1982:

[O]nce we learn that a holocaust might lead to extinction we have no right to gamble, because if we lose, the game will be over, and neither we nor anyone else will ever get a another chance. Therefore, although, scientifically speaking, there is all the difference in the world between the mere possibility that a holocaust will bring about extinction and the certainty of it, morally they are the same, and we have no choice but to address the issue of nuclear weapons as though we knew for a certainty that their use would put an end to our species….

In trying to describe possible consequences of a nuclear holocaust, I have mentioned the limitless complexity of its effects on human society and on the ecosphere—a complexity that sometimes seems to be as great as that of life itself. But if these effects should lead to human extinction, then all the complexity will give way to the utmost simplicity—the simplicity of nothingness. We—the human race—shall cease to be.

That is relevant because of this:

“Hopefully …”

I thought it was understood that you don’t play games with nuclear war. But at this point, I just have to pray that’s what they’re doing. Because if this is serious, we could be in big, big trouble.

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