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Graham is flattering, enabling Trump because he thinks he can control him #delusionalnarcissist #peasinapod

Lindsay Graham is flattering and enabling Trump because he thinks he can control digby

Lindsay Graham pretty much admitted today that his strategy is to flatter and enable the president, which means using the DOJ for his own purposes, so he, Lindsay, can control him on the issues he feels are important to him.

Graham has been seen as increasingly cozy to Trump recently, which Trump remarked on this week when he said Graham “used to be a great enemy of mine but now he’s a great friend of mine.” Graham ran against Trump during the 2016 Republican presidential primaries.

“He’s the president of the United States,” Graham said of his new fondness for Trump.

“He’s going to make a decision about immigration I’ve been working on for a decade. He’s president of the United States – going to make a decision about North Korea, which is one of the biggest threats to the world at large. He’s going to decide whether or not to stay in the Iranian nuclear agreement. I’ve enjoyed his company. He beat me like a dog. I’ve said everything I have to say about him – I’ve used every adjective on the planet. I lost. He won.”

Graham believes Trump had a “very successful 2017” and wants to help him where he can.

Well, we know one thing: he’s as unprincipled,narcissistic and delusional as Trump.

He very energetically went after the Department of Justice on Meet the Press, spewing the utter nonsense the wingnuts have come up with to appease the base, clearly performing for Trump like a trained seal. He thinks he’s being clever by saying “well, I also support the Mueller investigation” but this inane gambit is so transparently authoritarian that I can hardly believe he said it without doing a Nazi salute.

This is a scary moment. Graham is the avatar of the current Republican “independents” in the congress. And they, along with the usual right wing toadies of course, have circled the wagons attempting to appease this lunatic, flattering themselves that by doing so they can get their agenda passed and keep him from doing his worst.

2018 is going to be the year of dangerous living for all of us. It could go very, very wrong.


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