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Now we know that Republicans don’t have any personal morality. What do we do about it?

Now we know that Republicans don’t have any personal morality. What do we do about it?by digby

Tom Cotton takes the White House line on sexual harassment and misconduct:

When it comes to Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, who faces sexual misconduct allegations from several women, Cotton said that Alabama voters “are going to make that decision, just like the people of this country made their decision last year on Donald Trump.”

Republicans who voted for that pig in the White House have already made it clear that they only care about the personal morality of their political enemies. And now the leaders of that party are making it clear that any criminal, Nazi or pervert who wants to run against a Democrat will be embraced and protected by Republican officials.

This is no longer in dispute.

For a brilliant but depressing look at the political ramifications of all this click over to this piece by Dahlia Lithwick called “The Uneven Playing Field.”

Her conclusion:

Who knows why the GOP has lost its last ethical moorings? But this is a perfectly transactional moment in governance, and what we get in exchange for being good and moral right now is nothing. I’m not saying we should hit pause on #MeToo, or direct any less fury at sexual predators in their every manifestation. But we should understand that while we know that our good faith and reasonableness are virtues, we currently live in a world where it’s also a handicap.

Unilateral disarmament is tantamount to arming the other side. That may be a trade worth making in some cases. But it’s worth at least acknowledging that this is the current calculus. It’s no longer that when they go low, we get to go high. They are permanently living underground. How long can we afford to keep living in the clouds?

We had better start thinking about how to deal with this.


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