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Corey and the killer

Corey and the killerby digby

Lewandowski went into the lionesses den today and behaved as one would expect:

Corey Lewandowski appeared on Tuesday’s episode of “The View” to promote his new book, “Let Trump Be Trump,” co-authored with David Bossie.

The interview was uncomfortable as Lewandowski, who had been fired as campaign manager for Trump, fawned over the president.

He was tense and fidgety throughout the appearance. But a disturbing moment occurred when co-host Joy Behar interrupted Lewandowski’s praise of Trump to confront him with a passage from his own book highlighting Trump’s abusive behavior
Lewandowski immediately started screaming at her.

“What I say is, he’s tough! He’s a killer! I want a killer as president!” he screamed.

“You do?” Behar responded calmly.

“Absolutely! I want to make sure that we are the toughest, greatest in the world and that we are safe,” Lewandowski continued to shout.

I suspect this line is very effective among the Trumpies. It’s basically the old dominant bully line that appeals to the authoritarian mindset. Most people want a little more sophistication since this sort of thing often leads to disaster.

You can watch the whole thing over at Salon.


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