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Bannon made him do it

Bannon made him do itby digby

This isn’t an uncommon rap in politics but it’s fatuous no matter who gives it. Here’s Steve Bannon preparing to lose — and saying that he’s actually winning because he “forced” the people he challenged to reckon with his big swinging movement. It’s the wingnut version of win-win.

Stephen Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News and former White House chief strategist, said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is “picking up his game” amid threats to his power posed by the “insurgency movement” led by President Trump.

In an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis that aired Sunday, Bannon blasted McConnell for what he described as lackluster support for Trump’s agenda, but noted that the majority leader has worked more aggressively in recent weeks to confirm judicial nominees, pass a budget and push forward a tax-reform plan.

“Now that he’s afraid, now that he sees that the grass-roots movement — whether it’s in Alabama or Arizona or Tennessee or Mississippi — is going to replace his cronies like [Sens.] Jeff Flake [R-Ariz.] and Bob Corker [R-Tenn.], now he’s scared, and now he’s trying to move more federal judges through the system and really trying to cleave to President Trump’s plan,” Bannon said.

Bannon, who left his White House post in August, has railed against McConnell — and the GOP establishment more broadly — vowing to oust him as majority leader and install lawmakers more closely aligned with Trump’s brand of conservatism.

Movements can change a party, obviously. Trumpism isn’t one them unless you believe that massive tax cuts for the rich have become a GOP priority because Trump is more openly cretinous and incompetent than any other president in history. That’s what he’s brought to the table, nothing else. Old Mitch is just doing what they would have done if Jeb Bush or John McCain were president. Trumpism had nothing to do with it.


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