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QOTD: Huckleberry Graham

QOTD: Huckleberry Graham
by digby

This guy …

“The one thing I like about President Trump is that he understands we are fighting a religious war. We are fighting people who are compelled by their religious views to kill us all. They kill fellow Muslims who don’t agree with their view of Islam, they kill Christians and vegetarians, libertarians, you name it. We are in a war.”

He said this on Fox which was already salivating at the prospects of persecuting some Muslims. Look who Hannity had on:

On Fox News Tuesday night, anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller told Sean Hannity while discussing the attack, “The American people are being disarmed in the war of ideas.” She added, “They are being disarmed in the information battlespace. Initially New York authorities and Mayor de Blasio denied that it was jihad terror. And this follows a pattern in the West. They deny that jihad terror is jihad terror, and even when it’s obviously jihad terror, they still continue to deny it,”

A similar nativist line was used by right-wing political pundit Dr. Walid Phares when he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show. “We need to have a strategic policy on vetting,” Phraes said. “Unfortunately, over the past eight years, the previous administration did not want to do it.”

He later added, “It comes from actually campuses. Social scientists have been telling us, and telling many generations, that you do not address this because this is the wrong argument.”

Carlson, for his part, bemoaned how “I remember when things like this didn’t happen in New York City ever and now they seem to happen with some frequency.” He added, “it seems obviously tied to immigration.”

Talking up “religious war” on Fox. What could go wrong?


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