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The bully using the bully pulpit

The bully using the bully pulpit

by digby

Thanks Trumpie!

The NFL players who have been kneeling during the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality aren’t winning any new fans, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds. But they are, increasingly, making their point to the public.

Asked to identify from a list the main reason for the players are protesting from a list, a 57 percent majority of Americans surveyed said it was in response to “police violence.” That’s up from 48 percent in a HuffPost/YouGov poll taken in late September. (Respondents were allowed to select multiple options.)

The percentage of self-described football fans who say they believe the protests are meant to target police violence has risen to 66 percent, a 13-point increase.

Just 26 percent of the public now considers the protests to be in large part against President Donald Trump, down from 40 percent in the previous survey. As before, relatively few ― 14 percent in the latest poll, and 12 percent in September ― agree with the Trump administration’s assertions that the protests are aimed at the American flag.

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