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This man lectures others about proper patriotic behavior?

This man lectures others about proper patriotic behavior?

by digby

Even I know that you’re supposed to STFU when they play “Retreat.”  Not that anyone who isn’t in the military should be required to do it. But he’s the Commander in Chief and he’s the one who is trying to get people fired for failing to stand for the National Anthem:

President Donald Trump clearly had no clue how to properly respect a longstanding military tradition on Wednesday night during his interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

As the president spoke to Hannity at an Air National Guard hangar in Middletown, Pennsylvania, the tune of “Retreat” was heard over the loudspeakers. The song is “part of a firmly rooted tradition that predates the American Revolutionary War; the U.S. military tune signals the start and end of the official duty day,” Task and Purpose reported.

“When the American flag is lowered and raised on US military installations, a bugle blares on loudspeakers as service members and civilians pay their respects to the flag.”

The tune “Retreat” is played at 5 p.m. every day and “is traditionally a time to secure the flag and pay respect to what it stands for,” according to the Defense Logistics Agency.

Trump heard the song on Wednesday, and instead — like everything else — made it about himself.

“What a nice sound that is,” he said, before asking Hannity, “Are they playing that for you or for me?”

But before Hannity could answer, Trump added, “They’re playing that in honor of his ratings. He’s beating everybody.”

Trump has repeatedly bashed and openly called for the firing of professional athletes who engage in a protest of racial injustice and police brutality during the national anthem.

But where was Trump’s respect for the military when he snubbed a longstanding tradition that he evidently had no idea even existed? It’s certainly interesting coming from someone who has claimed to know more than anyone about the military.

What a fucking moron.

In case you were wondering, this is the song:


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