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Tucker’s twisted fantasy life

Tucker’s twisted fantasy life

by digby

This is the decadent, unhinged fantasy of a very twisted mind. And millions of people in this country apparently love it:

CARLSON: It was a nearly perfect party line vote, every single Republican voted against it, all but two Democrats voted in favor of it.

Adam Schiff, meanwhile, the congressman from Burbank, was ecstatic. Schiff has spent years obsessing over impeachment like it was a young Jodie Foster. Colleagues say he has pictures of impeachment taped to the walls of his bedroom. He’s believed to have written in steamy, unhinged letters with his own body fluids. So, for Schiff, today’s vote was thrilling, in ways that only a court-appointed psychiatrist could fully appreciate.

He thinks he’s being cute, of course, because Schiff gave the mobster version of Trump’s Zelensky call.

But this twisted fantasy says a lot more about Tucker Carlson than it does about Schiff. A lot more. But then he’s known for that sort of thing:

SCARBOROUGH: Wait, hold on a second. Dan, hold on a second. I don’t mean to take over, but have you been bothered in public restrooms, Dan? Because I know I haven’t.

CARLSON: I have. I’ve been bothered in Georgetown Park. When I was in high school.

ABRAMS: Really?



CARLSON: And let me just say, I think —

SCARBOROUGH: That’s something.

CARLSON: — people should knock that off. I’m not anti-gay in the slightest, but that’s really common, and the gay rights groups ought to disavow that kind of crap because, you know, that actually does bother people who didn’t ask for being bothered. So yeah, I think it’s outrageous that he did that.


CARLSON: You know what I mean? It’s insane!

SCARBOROUGH: Was he the guy in Georgetown, Tucker?

CARLSON: No, actually. I got that — my point is — let me just say —

ABRAMS: Tucker, what did you do, by the way? What did you do when he did that? We got to know.

CARLSON: I went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the — you know, and grabbed him, and — and —

ABRAMS: And did what?

CARLSON: Hit him against the stall with his head, actually!


CARLSON: And then the cops came and arrested him. But let me say that I’m the least anti-gay right-winger you’ll ever meet —


CARLSON: — but I do think doing this in men’s rooms appears to be common. It’s totally wrong, and they should knock it off. I mean that. I think it’s — I can’t bring my son to the men’s room at the park where he plays soccer because of all these creepy guys hanging around in there. I actually think it’s a problem. I’m sorry.

That was back in 2007 when Carlson was still on MSNBC. I would bet a million dollars if I had it that the head-bashing incident never happened. 

He’s recently developed an even more oleaginous style, adopting the neofascist POV of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. But he’s always had a very active, weirdly sexualized, imagination. This latest is more gross than usual — but then, so is he.


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