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Get on the phone people

Get on the phone people

by digby

From Indivisible:

We knew we weren’t completely out of the woods on TrumpCare, but we got good news on September 1, when the Senate Parliamentarian (basically the referee on Senate rules and procedure) announced that the legislative vehicle that Republicans were trying to use for TrumpCare would expire on September 30.

Nothing motivates Congress like a deadline. Senate Republicans are whipping votes and moving things around the Senate calendar to make room for one last push—a bill known as “Graham-Cassidy”—and they are as close as they’ve ever been to passing it.

Go here to get the full kit that includes what you will need to do. This is serious. Goddamit.

FYI:  I agree with Indivisible’s policy director, Angel Padilla, although it’s all spilled milk now …

“Early on in September, we said, ‘Look at how crazy jam-packed this month is. This is going to be a tough month for them to do anything.’ But that deal that Schumer and Pelosi cut made it a lot easier for Republicans to pursue what they really want, including this.” 

They could have demanded something from the deal and at least strung out the negotiations on the debt ceiling and the disaster relief until the end of the month and it was too late for them to use reconciliation. Democrats keep having premature victory parties. Over and over and over again. They love to celebrate themselves and this is almost always what happens.

The Republicans brought back their monstrosity in the House and passed it and it had several lives already in the Senate. Why the Democrats continued to take chances with this I’ll never understand.

Anyway, here we are. So lets hope this finally kills the zombie for 2017.  Jesus…

By  the way, if you live in a big blue state they really stick it to you. That’s one of their features.


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