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He’s still freaking out

He’s still freaking out

by digby

Behind the scenes in the West Wing, President Trump continues to rant and brood about former FBI Director Jim Comey and the Russia investigation that got him fired.

Trump tells aides and visitors that the probe now being run by special counsel Bob Mueller is a witch hunt, and that Comey was a leaker.

So White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was reflecting her boss’s moods when she attacked Comey at length from the podium yesterday, after being asked about Steve Bannon’s assertion to “60 Minutes” that the firing was one of the worst mistakes in modern political history:

“I think there is no secret Comey, by his own self-admission, leaked privileged government information. … Comey leaked memos to the New York Times … He politicized an investigation by signaling he would exonerate Hillary Clinton before he ever interviewed her or other key witnesses.”
Sanders even suggested that Comey himself should be investigated: “His actions were improper and likely could have been illegal.”
The president’s friends are most worried about Mueller digging into past business deals, which is why his team keeps raising concerns in public and private about the “scope” of the investigation.

Right. Because the Whitewater investigation was convened to find out if President Clinton had ever had any blowjobs in the White House. These investigations go where the facts lead them. If they hit a dead end, they hit a dead end. But seeing as Donald trump has been lying his ass off about business dealings with Russians they’re going to go into his business dealings. If they turn up crimes, that’s the price you pay for being a criminal for decades and then deciding you are so great that you can be president and nobody will ever catch you. That’s called hubris and I thin we know that this guy has plenty of that.

TIf a prosecutor finds something in the course of an investigation that appears to be criminal he or she is going to pursue it. That’s how this works for everyone, even the president. Read up on the ITT scandal that was uncovered during Watergate. It had nothing to do with the break in at Democratic headquarters. They nailed Nixon on it anyway.

He is freaking out because he knows they’re going to look in places he doesn’t want anyone looking. And for very good reason.

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