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T-Rex going extinct?

T-Rex going extinct?

by digby

It sure looks like it. Axios reports:

As of last night, we were told that no replacement of SecState Rex Tillerson is imminent. But some switcheroo may happen sooner than expected, given the jaw-dropping reporting by Axios’ Jonathan Swan last evening in his weekly Sneak Peek newsletter:

Trump is getting more and more fed up with Tillerson and recently said: “Rex just doesn’t get it, he’s totally establishment in his thinking.”

One possible scenario for replacing Tillerson: U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley moves to Foggy Bottom. Then Deputy Secretary National Security Adviser Dina Powell could be promoted to Haley’s job in New York, where Powell’s family lives.

On “Fox News Sunday,” Tillerson became the second top Trump official in three days (after economic adviser Gary Cohn) to distance himself on-record from Trump’s Charlottesville response:

Tillerson: “I don’t believe anyone doubts the American people’s values or the commitment of the American government or the government’s agencies to advancing those values and defending those values.”

Chris Wallace: “And the president’s values?”

Tillerson: “The president speaks for himself, Chris.”

Wallace: “Are you separating yourself from that, sir?”
Tillerson: “I’ve made my own comments as to our vales as well in a speech I gave to the State Department this past week.”

Responding to Swan’s article, Philippe Reines, a top State Department official under Hillary Clinton, tweeted: “Going out in a limb here but I don’t think Rex gives a damn anymore what the President & White House thinks of him.”

It would appear so.

But keep in mind that sending Dina Powell out of the WH is something Bannon was pushing for to weaken the McMaster wing. Whether this idea means he’s still got Trump’s ear I don’t know. Maybe McMaster wants her at the UN.

But whatever the case, it sure look as though sexy Rexy has one foot out the door. Will anyone even know he’s gone?


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