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Too decent

Too decent

by digby

But it’s the right thing to do:

Mexico’s government is reaching out to the U.S. to offer help for the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray spoke with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) by phone Sunday evening to offer aid “as good neighbors should always do in trying times,” the Dallas Morning News reported.

“As we have done in the past, Mexico stands with Texas in this difficult moment,” said Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, the Mexican consul general in Austin.

“The government of Mexico takes this opportunity to express its full solidarity with the people and government of the United States for the damages caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas,” the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

I don’t know if Trump would do the same if the situation were reversed. I don’t recall him offering help to Peruvians when they flooded — or anywhere else. Maybe he did, but it sure wasn’t publicized. Helping foreigners angers his base. But let’s just say that if he did offer to help another country, especially Mexico, I wouldn’t be surprised if he saw it as an opportunity to extract some blood money from someone in exchange. He’s adamant that the US shouldn’t pay for anything, just like the Trump Organization doesn’t pay taxes or he doesn’t pay for work done on his properties. That’s how he rolls.

The foreign minister reminded the Governor that they should be “good neighbors.” But I’m sure in both Abbot and Trump’s minds that means that Mexico should just do whatever the US tells them to do.


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