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He likes destroyers that don’t collide with other ships, ok?

He likes destroyers that don’t collide with other ships, ok?

by digby

President Donald Trump on Sunday called the collision between the U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer USS John S. McCain and a tanker that left at least 10 sailors missing “too bad” before tweeting support for the sailor’s families.

“That’s too bad,” the president said when asked about the incident, according to a pool report.

Honestly, I think even Sarah Palin could do better than that.

Naturally, Breitbart blamed McMaster and Kelly both of whom Steve Bannon is clearly on a crusade to destroy:

A source with direct knowledge of these matters told Breitbart News that the original mishap from Trump that caused the “that’s too bad” flap comes because senior staff originally kept the president in the dark about the incident. The source specifically fingered new chief of staff Gen. John Kelly and embattled National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster. Kelly is a retired four star Marine General who served later as President Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security before his promotion to White House chief of staff. McMaster is an active duty three star U.S. Army Lieutenant General.

“What went wrong is the president was not briefed and was not kept abreast as the incident developed,” the source with direct knowledge told Breitbart News late Sunday evening. “This is part of a bigger pattern of growing evidence of disrespect for the president and manipulating the information that is given to him similar to the decision with Afghanistan. The blame for this rests solely on the shoulders of two individuals — General H.R. McMaster and General Kelly — both of whom as flag officers should know better than to keep the commander-in-chief in the dark on these types of issues.”

You know, Trump should not have to be briefed to understand that when someone asks the Commander in Chief about a naval accident, even if it’s the first he’s heard of it, the correct answer isn’t “that’s too bad.”

He could have just said “no comment” and then later told the press he didn’t want to say anything because the facts were still coming in or he had to tell the families or any number of excuses. But he doesn’t know how to be president and has no ability or desire to learn. That’s not Kelly or McMaster’s fault. And there’s nothing they can do to change him.


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