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We can almost certainly count on a government shutdown

We can almost certainly count on a government shutdown

by digby

… for all the reasons Schumer lays out:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on Tuesday that he’s growing concerned President Donald Trump will shut down the government to create a diversion amid the House impeachment investigation. 

“Look, I believe, left to our own devices, Congress could work out an agreement to quickly fund the government,” Schumer told reporters during a press conference. “But I’m increasingly worried that President Trump may want to shut down the government again because of impeachment, an impeachment inquiry.” 

“He always likes to create diversions,” the Democrat continued. “I hope and pray he won’t want to cause another government shutdown ’cause it might be a diversion away from impeachment. It’s very worrisome to me.”

Schumer is being just a teensy bit phony here, I think. Shutting down the government avoid impeachment would likely hurt Trump more than help him, don’t you think?  Schumer’s”hope and pray” handwringing is a bit overwrought.

But who knows? Maybe it will rally the country behind him. It didn’t before when he shut it down over his stupid wall. I wouldn’t expect this to be any more successful. But that won’t stop him if he thinks it will stave off the inevitable. 


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