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Toxic sharing: how the Nazis learned about Zyklon B

Toxic sharing: how the Nazis learned about Zyklon B

by digby

In light of the events in Charlottesville, there’s been some necessary discussion on twitter about the fact that Nazis studied US history and American slavocracy. Considering our current President’s policies on immigration, this seems pertinent as well:

In Ringside Seat to a Revolution, author David Dorado Romo reveals some of his findings from the National Archives in Washington DC:

I discovered an article written in a German scientific journal written in 1938, which specifically praised the El Paso method of fumigating Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B. At the start of WWII, the Nazis adopted Zyklon B as a fumigation agent at German border crossings and concentration camps. Later, when the Final Solution was put into effect, the Germans found more sinister uses for this extremely lethal pesticide. They used Zyklon B pellets in their own gas chambers not just to kill lice but to exterminate millions of human beings.

Just saying. These types of people share their toxicities in more ways than one.


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