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He seems nice

He seems nice

by digby

A Livingston County auto shop’s Halloween decorations that depicted President Donald Trump holding former President Barack Obama’s head by a rope has drawn outrage from dozens of people who turned to social media to denounce the display as racist.

Quality Coatings owner Dave Huff has since altered the Trump scarecrow that stands outside his business on Carr Street in Fowlerville, about 10 miles west of Howell. Huff hadn’t expected backlash to the decorations because he said he’s not racist and “no race ever went into this thing.”

Ok sure. How about this?

It also depicted the Trump scarecrow with his foot on Hillary Clinton’s head.

Nobody asked him about that but I’m sure he would say that he has nothing but respect for women and that he was just making a statement about that one particular witch.

He’s also an obvious liar just like Trump:

“I don’t support anyone. I’ve never voted for anyone other than myself.”

This is small potatoes, I know. But considering that the entire punditocrisy had themselves a good old fashioned cry over the baseball crowd throwing Trump’s lock her up” chant back in his face, it seems worth remembering that people at the RNC dressed up as Clinton in an orange jumpsuit and chanted lock her up. And Kathy Griffin was literally treated as a terrorist threat by the USG for using a Trump mask in a similar fashion.

But around the country, Trump voters are being primed for real violence.


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