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Secret Service needs to pony up just like NATO

Secret Service needs to pony up just like NATO

by digby

You cannot make this stuff up:

The Secret Service is leaving its space inside Trump Tower following a leasing dispute with the Trump Organization, The Washington Post reported. Agents were previously stationed one floor below Trump’s apartment, but last month the command post was moved to the street level in a trailer outside the Manhattan building. 

“After much consideration, it was mutually determined that it would be more cost effective and logistically practical for the Secret Service to lease space elsewhere,” a Trump Organization spokeswoman told the Post. But a Secret Service spokeswoman said the federal agency is still looking “to obtain permanent work space in an appropriate location” inside the building. The newspaper cited two people familiar with the discussions as saying the disagreement centered around “price and other conditions of the lease.”

Trump is supposedly a billionaire. You’d think he could cut the government a “deal” for his own secret service protection.


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