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The raid was successful DESPITE Trump’s incompetence

The raid was successful DESPITE Trump’s incompetence

by digby

I think this says it all...

But Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions.

The officials praised the Kurds, who continued to provide information to the C.I.A. on Mr. al-Baghdadi even after Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw the American troops left the Syrian Kurds to confront a Turkish offensive alone. The Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, one official said, provided more intelligence for the raid than any single country.

Trump barely thanked the Kurds. In fact he more or less said they’d needed to be beaten up by the Turks to see who their daddy was. He was much more effusive toward Russia and Turkey.

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