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Where the jobs at?

Where the jobs at?

by digby

Oh heck:

Donald Trump brokered a deal to keep roughly 1,000 jobs at a facility in Indiana from moving to Mexico. But it failed to live up to the hype while other firms have quietly continued to outsource — a trend that drained the state of 5,000 manufacturing jobs since February. For example, reports on former workers of Manitowoc Beverage Systems show many have been unable to find gigs as good as the ones they lost after the firm shipped 84 jobs to Mexico.

His photo-op at the Carrier plant didn’t really work out:

President Trump touted his deal to save jobs at a Carrier plant in Indianapolis last year as a win for the American manufacturing industry.

But that victory didn’t even extend to everyone at the factory.

Thursday marks the last day for more than 300 Carrier employees whose jobs have been eliminated in favor of outsourcing to Mexico.

It’s the first round of cuts at the plant, which last year epitomized the working-class grievances that Trump swore to fix.

Is it possible that Donald Trump is full of shit? Say it ain’t so!


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