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Oh look, Obamacare isn’t dying

Oh look, Obamacare isn’t dying

by digby

We have word today that Mitch McConnell is going to delay the August recess in order to ram through some kind of health care atrocity.

Meanwhile, the ACA is doing pretty well which, of course, explains why they have to destroy it:

A newly released study confirmed that the Affordable Care Act is not failing and in fact insurers are on track to have their “best year” yet under the ACA. However, Republicans are determined to pass a new health repeal bill that could derail insurance markets. If the ACA fails, it will be because of Republican sabotage. 

A new report confirmed what the CBO stated in its score of the Senate healthcare repeal bill: The Affordable Care Act is not failing. 

McClatchy: Death spiral? Obamacare insurers may be having ‘best year’ yet under ACA  

NBC News: Study: Obamacare Is Not Collapsing 

The Hill: Study: ObamaCare market ‘stabilizing,’ not collapsing 

Washington Examiner: Obamacare exchanges show signs of stabilizing: Study 

Los Angeles Times: More evidence shows Obamacare is getting healthier, but will that stop the GOP wrecking crew? 

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz is working hard to get people killed:

Politico: “Ted Cruz’s plan to give insurers freedom to sell plans that don’t comply with Obamacare’s insurance regulations may be conservatives’ last best chance to salvage the stalled Senate health care bill. But it might also send Obamacare insurance markets into a death spiral.”

This is a reminder to keep pushing hard on your Senators and House members on this. They would love nothing more if everyone let up on them in the dog days of summer.

Between the Trump administration’s Russia investigation and the people pressing these Republicans hard on health care, it is possible to stop this thing.


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