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This is some intense spinning

This is some intense spinning

by digby

In fact, I don’t know I’ve ever seen anything quite like it:

This too:

Note: The White House called CNN repeatedly to get them to take her off the air. 

CUOMO: “Your people say you have to go, by the way, so you make sure that the White House press office doesn’t yell at me.” 

CONWAY: “I’m not going to let this go.” 

CUOMO: “That’s fine, you can have all the time you want.” 

CONWAY: “Stop being so sensitive!” 

CUOMO: “Well, I’ve got people yelling at me in my ear that you have to go!” 

That exchange occurred 28 minutes into the interview and a full seven minutes after the first time Cuomo informed Conway that her people were trying to yank her. Despite the pleading of the White House press office in Cuomo’s ear, Conway continued for another seven minutes! 

The easy takeaway here is that Conway knew she was blowing it and was desperate to salvage some dignity after Cuomo’s Charbroil grilling. 

But the real takeaway here is that the White House press office was frantically trying to get Conway off the air because it knew what a disaster this whole thing was.

I don’t know if this story will turn out to be a big deal in the larger scheme of things although it certainly does add to the litany of lies about Russian contacts during the campaign.

But clearly, the White House is in a tizzy.

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