Even Hitler …
by digby
Press Sec. on Hitler/Assad comments: “He was not using the gas on his own people the same way…he brought them into the Holocaust centers.” pic.twitter.com/mO9EsWM4QT— ABC News (@ABC) April 11, 2017
A) Yes, Hitler did gas his own people.
B) The death camps are not called “holocaust centers” although it’s right up there with “re-accomodate” for sheer PR genius.
C) It’s Passover you fucking moron
D) You’re an idiot
This kind of argument was actually pretty common back in the run-up to the Iraq War. These wingnuts really love to see themselves as heroes Greater than the Greatest Generation.(I don’t even want to think about Trump along those lines.)
Chris Hayes wrote a great piece called “The Good War on Terror” about this early in his career. They are dying for a Big War, although very few of them want to fight it themselves. They just want to (cheer) lead it and take credit for saving the world. That’s why they have tried to turn “radical Islamic terrorism” into an existential threat greater than Hitler.
Spicer marinated in that nonsense for the past 15 years. He just blurted it out without thinking to make it seem that his boss’s hands are uniquely yuge for taking on such a uniquely evil enemy. And it’s ridiculous.