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QOTD: No shit Sherlock edition

QOTD: No shit Sherlock edition

by digby

CNN white house correspondent Sarah Murray:

We know president Trump as a candidate had a very rosy view of Russia and wanted a better relationship with Russia. Now we’re being told by administration officials that those hopes are beginning to fade.  They were initially hoping for some kind of a Grand Bargain, something to deal with Ukraine, something to deal with Syria, to deal with combating ISIS. But now the president is sort of feeling a little more glum about the opportunity to do that. It’s not necessarily hi view of Vladimir Putin has changed but because he just feels like the climate has not favorable to actually accomplishing a good deal. He feels like there is too much media scrutiny surrounding Russia right now combined with the House probe and the Senate probe, the FBI looking into Russian meddling in the election and also the Trump campaign contacts with suspected Russian officials and says that sort of takes them back to the drawing board.

Ya think??? Lol…

*Keep in mind that the Russian Grand Bargain Trump envisioned was coordinated carpet bombing (and more) of Syria and other ISIS strongholds in exchange for carte blanche incursion into Eastern Europe and a pullback of NATO.

Does that sound like a good deal?


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