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“Is that not treason?”

“Is that not treason?”

by digby

He’s so clevah:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that leakers in the intelligence community are guilty of treason.

“I don’t understand why there isn’t a great outrage over the leaking of information out of the highest levels of US intelligence,” Huckabee, whose daughter is an aide to President Donald Trump, told radio host Laura Ingraham.

Huckabee continued, “This is of grave concern, because if people who are supposed to be guarding our secrets are letting them go — Laura, I hate to use this word, but I don’t know what else to use — is that not treason? Is that not treason, when you work against your own government?”

Yeah, he thinks he’s cute with this silly accusation. They all do. But I’m going to guess that the vast majority of the American people (even if the Republicans among them won’t admit it) understand that the leaking about possible collusion between Russia and the president of the United States isn’t the real problem here.


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