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Liberal southerners are the best

Liberal southerners are the best

by digby

You’ve got to love this:

Smother ’em in honey.

That was Nashville. Inside the rally it was a different story:

President Donald Trump railed against a judge’s order blocking his immigration restrictions on Wednesday, saying the ruling made America “look weak” — and drew chants from supporters of “lock her up!” when he attacked his defeated rival.

Campaigning in Tennessee more than four months after winning the presidency, Trump continued to attack Hillary Clinton. While reading a legal code that the president said backed his authority to enact the travel ban, Trump interrupted himself to say that “fortunately” the former secretary of state was not in the White House.

“The law and Constitution give the president the power to suspend immigration when he deems – or she, or she. Fortunately, it will not be Hillary,” he said.

He does love that Il Duce strut. And his good little followers love it too.

By the way, running his mouth last night about how he thinks they should have kept their original order was idiotic. He just gave the courts another piece of evidence about his intent.


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