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Rand fanboy gets tongue-tied

Rand fanboy gets tongue-tied

by digby
When even Tucker Carlson thinks you’re being a mindless Randian robot, maybe it’s time to rethink your position:

My question is, looking at the last election, was the message of that election really we need to help investors? I mean, the Dow is over 20,000,” Carlson said. “Are they the group that really needs the help?” 

“We promised we would repeal the Obamacare taxes,” Ryan responded. “This is one of the Obamacare taxes. . . .  And, by the way, it’s bad tax policy because it’s bad for economic growth.” 

Carlson suggested that Ryan was missing the big picture.
“The overview here is that all the wealth basically in the last 10 years has stuck to the top end. That’s one of the reasons we have had all this political turmoil, as you know,” Carlson said. “So, it’s kind of a hard sell to say, ‘We are going repeal Obamacare, but we are going to send more money to the people who have gotten the richest over the last 10 years.’ That’s what this does, no? I am not a leftist; that’s just true.” 

Added Ryan, appearing visibly stunned: “I am not concerned about it because we said we were going to repeal all of the Obamacare taxes and this is one of the Obamacare taxes.”

Ryan is supposed to be one the sharp ones. He sounds like Mr Tautology himself, George W. Bush, there. On a bad day.

It’s all they know. Cut tax to make growth. Ugh. Cut more tax. Cut service. Cut more tax. Welfare queen go to work. Pay more tax. Cut tax for maker not taker. Ugh. Cut more tax. Something something freedom.


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