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Tweet o’ the day

Tweet o’ the day

by digby

Makes you proud to be an American doesn’t it? 

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Wednesday that Trump is in “full sell mode” in support of the legislation, which would enable him to keep his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Louisville, Kentucky, this weekend to promote the legislation, and Trump will hit the road next Wednesday for a rally in Nashville, Tennessee.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy also voiced his support for the legislation in a wave of Thursday morning TV news and talk radio appearances. And House Speaker Paul Ryan made his pitch Thursday afternoon with a PowerPoint-style presentation on the bill during a news conference at the Capitol.

It was during that presentation that Trump sent out his post, promising that the bill introduced by Ryan would result in a “beautiful picture.”

Actually the legislation is a horrific mess and nobody knows what will happen. I maintain that in Trump’s feral instinct tells him that the status quo is better than destroying it outright which is why he keeps telling people that if this doesn’t work they’ll sabotage it in the executive branch and blame it on the Democrats.

But everything is fluid. All I know is that if this plan passes, I’m screwed. Back to praying that I don’t get sick before medicare kicks in. And if they keep going, that plan might not be workable either since Ryan wants to give me “freedom and choice” with that too. (In other words, destroy Medicare.)

But don’t worry. Trump promises it will be “a beautiful picture” whatever the hell that means.


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