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To the right of Scalia

To the right of Scalia

by digby

That’s Ian Millhiser’s analysis of the man who will almost certainly become our next Supreme Court justice. He lays out the particulars in this article in alarming detail. He’s not a Scalia clone it turns out. He’s a Thomas clone, which is worse.

Here’s the conclusion:

So let’s take stock one more time of what we know about Judge Gorsuch.

We know that he embraces the same theory of constitutional interpretation touted by conservative Justices Scalia and Thomas.

We know that Gorsuch votes as a staunch social conservative, siding against women seeking birth control and against Planned Parenthood. He is all but certain to be a vote against Roe v. Wade. 

We know that Gorsuch is inclined to overrule Chevron, a decision that would drastically weaken agencies like the EPA and consolidate power within the judiciary at the very moment when Republicans are about to seize control over the courts.

We know that, when confronted with issues that divide Scalia and Thomas, Gorsuch appears to land to Scalia’s right.

This evidence suggests that Gorsuch may vote consistently with Justice Thomas if confirmed to the Supreme Court. At the very least, senators should know whether Gorsuch shares’ Thomas’ views about matters such as child labor laws before they vote on Gorsuch’s nomination.

Now this is how you move the court right. You pick someone who is even more extreme than the far right extremist he’s replacing.  I shudder to think who they would choose to replace Thomas.


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