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Emboldening the enemy

Emboldening the enemy

by digby

Our president thinks he’s the only one who’s allowed to talk about military matters to the press. Even US Senators are supposed to stifle it.

That’s the president of the United States talking there.

If you haven’t heard, the so-called successful attack he’s talking about (and basically passing off on Mattis which is interesting) was an abject failure that not only missed its target and killed a Navy Seal but killed 9 little children as well.

And Trump might want to STFU about “emboldening the enemy.” It’s hard to calculate how many people have been radicalized by at attack like this in light of the new president’s repeated public comments saying “we have to take out the families.” Who could he ever convince that the US didn’t do something like this on purpose?

In fact, he’s crowing about how successful this botched raid was, so …


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