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Author: Spocko

“Thank You for Your Service.” a note to Progressive Volunteers, Activists and Supporters by @spockosbrain

“Thank You for Your Service” a note to Progressive Volunteers, Activists and Supporters 

by Spocko

Maybe your proposition or candidate won. Maybe you got crushed by big money and blatant voter suppression techniques.  After a win some people look around and pat each other on the back and appreciate everyone’s hard work. Of course then some killjoy will say, “Now the hard work begins.”  Please. Just let me celebrate for a bit Debbie Downer.

After you fail some people will attack the people next to them. Instead of a “Thanks for the hard work, we’ll get ’em next time!” it becomes, “I knew we shouldn’t have listened to you! Spocko, your shenanigans cost us the election!”

Before any of that happens I want to say thank you to everyone who has spend so much brainpower, money and energy to help progressive causes and candidates.

Thank you for your service. On behalf of all Vulcan Americans, I appreciate your work, win or lose.

We can disagree on methods, issues and people, but I try to remember that our colleagues do the work because they too want to make the world better. Sure they might be misguided, wrong or naive, but they usually aren’t doing it maliciously.

We can get depressed with failure and quit, or learn from it. I try to channel my anger at the people I think are hurting America.

I try to remember to praise and support the people helping, even if not every attempt is a win. Yes, let’s learn from our failures, but in addition to soul searching, identifying and fixing failing internal strategies and actions–let’s look at the people, structures, systems and attitudes that defeated us and attack them. 

  • Pissed that big money swamped your proposition? Take that experience and use it defeat Citizens United. 
  • Angry that the media sat back and enjoyed the millions in campaign ad money with nary a story about money in politics? Time to check if they recorded all the “who paid for what” details in their public files and bust their ass if they didn’t comply.

    Do it now while you are still angry. The least they can do with all that juicy, juicy TV ad money is to do their publicly mandated job of record keeping, especially if they aren’t going to do any journalism. 

  • Does it make you crazy that the people behind dark money got what they wanted and nobody knows who they are? Support people like my friends at the Center for Media and Democracy who are digging up the dirt on them. Then USE THAT DIRT!

    They are hiding for a reason, figure out what that reason is and use it as leverage. Maybe they don’t want their customers, investors or employees to know. They can either explain how their support of crazy candidates and regressive policies are in line with their brand values or stop supporting the regressive policies.  What else are they hiding? Footage of the CEO kicking a dog in an elevator? 

I want to contrast this work with people who dedicate their lives to making the world worse, more divisive and hateful. They know what they are doing, they aren’t dups. Instead of wishing them ill, I hope that they will have a Tony Stark or Lee Atwater level conversion and they use their power for good.

I went to a Day of the Dead party last week. I loved hearing the stories about friends’ dead relatives and loved ones. Sometimes the person wasn’t loved, but provided an example of how “not to be.”

Some people talked about how a certain relative influenced their lives to love justice, theatre or life.  Other people talked about a powerful negative figure, and decided to be the opposite. That kind of influence is important too.

I don’t know what drives all of you to do what you do and I’d rather not wait until you were dead to find out, so I’ll thank you now. Thank you for the work you do to make the world a better place.

Live Long and Prosper

Big Media Companies, “What are they afraid of?” by @spockosbrain

Big Media Companies, “What are they afraid of?” 

By Spocko

For Halloween I’m reminded of a book reading I attended in San Francisco where I asked Matt Taibbi what companies like Goldman Sachs were afraid of. His answer was, “Not journalists!” then he laughed. Next he said, “They are worried about a few left over SEC regulations that they haven’t bought off yet.”

Yesterday I read that Matt Taibbi has left First Look Media before the launch of the Racket, the digital magazine he was hired to create seven months ago. The Intercept did a story about what they say happened.  Of course I’m waiting for the disgraced Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz to comment on this so I can hear from the other side. I’ll bet “the truth lies somewhere in the middle” and he will “leave it there.”

As I read the Intercept story I wondered if people at various companies that were to be the subject of the Racket are breathing a sigh of relief. Are they laughing? It appears that Taibbi leaving was a combination of a personality misfit with “the corporate form” and the need of Silicon Valley folks to always be thinking about ROI.

The damage control people at these companies might want to hold off on the champagne popping. Taibbi will find an outlet to write for and the Racket isn’t dead, but it has serious labor pains.  These things happen. Remember the News Corp iPad Online venture The Daily?  Murdoch dropped $60 million on it and it was shuttered after two years.

If ROI is in Omid’s Silicon Valley start-up DNA he should have thought outside the box (or law) like Rupert Murdoch. He could have used his knowledge of the upcoming stories on companies to short their stock before the story dropped. Hmmm, would that be illegal? Not if he told his congressperson about it and he makes a trade on the info. It’s good to have happy congress people as your allies.

If only Omid understood that to mold national attitudes, topple dynasties and pressure politicians you have to lose lots of money for a long, long time. If you want to have your parent corporate entity make money, use other sub-entities known to create revenue like cartoon shows, test prep companies or a businesses that sells stuff on-line. But Murdoch’s goals aren’t the goals of everyone who gets into the media business.

The Public Interest, RIP

Expecting the media to “serve the public interest, convenience and necessity” is out. The marketplace rules are in. The TV and radio spectrum, as well as the Internet we created, aren’t considered under the trusteeship model anymore because the lobbyists argued a broadcaster’s commercial success would be indicative of the public’s satisfaction with what they are delivering.

Under that model First Look Media should be using their news reporting and constitutionally granted 1st Amendment power to generate revenue for shareholders, just like Roone Arledge taught ABC and the rest of the networks to do. Suddenly news divisions weren’t a cost center anymore, but a profit center. Everyone loves profit generators, and by everyone I mean Wall Street and corp execs whose bonuses are tied to revenue or stock price.

If you look at what the big media companies are afraid of it hasn’t been getting busted for failing to serve the public interest for decades. They know they aren’t going to lose an FCC license. They might get a fine, but it’s just a Cost of Doing Business in the short term and something the lobbyists will fix in the long term.

FTC problems might cramp their style when it comes to ad revenue, so they pay attention to that.  SEC regs could be a problem, if anyone at the SEC actually started prosecuting people. It’s hard to believe that the SEC would go after someone who buys their pixels by the barrel and hires lawyers by the trainload, but maybe someone at the SEC will notice some problems they need to be addressed.

What makes the parent companies nervous is if the people working in the news divisions start thinking they have to actually follow left over rules and regulations. Or that they are journalists who have to ‘serve the public interest’ vs. make money on their specific programming.  Murdoch can explain to the media entities parts of the bigger companies that a parent company loosing 100’s of millions on something like the New York Post is a smart business move because of his big picture. Because of that, they don’t worry about generating standalone revenue.

They are also afraid that the big investors might think the parent company doesn’t have their journalists and news divisions under control. If the parent company gets a whiff that someone in the media group is trying to dig too hard or isn’t playing ball, they will get a Arthur Jensen to Howard Beale call where it is explained how the world really works.

For example, if your biggest sponsor makes cars, you really shouldn’t be doing stories that make them look bad, even if the cars kill people. But sometimes you can’t ignore the truth, so you wait for an excuse like a settlement lawsuit where someone else makes the case. “Hey I wasn’t the one calling them “killer cars” I’m just reading the court transcript!”

Luckily during that period of reporting the hard truth, before the pull back into the quest for profit, some sunlight can shine through the cracks. There are still good people in the media who believe in a better “Big Picture” than Murdoch’s. It takes courage and support from others who also see the problems and want to help. Other times journalists “embedded” in the MSM need an excuse to do a good job in the face of the howls for quarterly profits or fear of offending advertisers.

After talking to Taibbi I started asking a similar question of people who have been covering corporate corruption and personal mendacious acts that hurt Americans. “What are they afraid of, and how can we make those fears come true?”

I’m sorry for these media labor pains, but I look forward to future sunlight from Taibbi, First Look Media and the Racket, because we all know what sunlight does to vampire(squid)s.

Happy Halloween!

Pls Fwd! How The Right Spreads Fear For Profit. Ebola, ISIS, EV-D68, Dirty Immigrants Letter by @spockosbrain

 Pls Fwd! How The Right Spreads Fear For Profit. Ebola, ISIS, EV-D68, Dirty Immigrants Fund Raising Letter 

 by Spocko

Yesterday I got a fund raising email from Phyllis Schlafly, conservative activist, author, and founder of the Eagle Forum titled Stop Disease at the Border (link to Townhall version) 

We all get millions of fund raising letters every day. Recently letters from certain groups on our side of the aisle have been especially dire. “THEY WILL KILL YOUR DOG IF ELECTED! So as Luke Russert would proudly say, “Both sides do it!”

But I found this letter interesting because of the conflation of multiple threats in one brightly colored missive.

The letter starts out quoting Rep. Duncan Hunter’s (R-CA) debunked claim that 10 ISIS thugs crossed our southern border–which earned a “PANTS ON FIRE – The statement is not accurate and makes a ridiculous claim” award from Politifact.  Next she quotes Rep. Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) bogus claim that the Islamic State collaborates with Mexican drug cartel. That got Four Pinocchios from the Washington Post fact checker.

 Then she launched into the dirty foreigners and their “disease problem.”

The problem of invasion across our border is no longer just a jobs problem. It’s a national security problem, a welfare problem, a public school problem and a dangerous disease problem.
It’s not a problem of accepting a few lost teenagers who arrived unannounced and demanded admission. It’s a problem of our public schools suddenly being invaded by thousands of young adults who have never been to any school, who are not familiar with basic hygiene, who can’t read or write, who don’t speak English or even familiar Spanish (but speak one of 21 different Spanish or Indian dialects) and who may carry new diseases such as EV-D68.

I hadn’t heard of EV-D68, and since she was 0 and 2 with facts, I figured she would get that wrong as well.

Interestingly EV-D68, a polio-like enterovirus, IS a problem. Here’s a CDC link with details. However, it appears it’s not coming from the recent influx of Central America kids. Snopes knocks down this claim as probably false here. She is 0 and 3 fact wise before she even gets to Ebola.

Since Ebola is hot and EV-D68 is not, she is going to use the most outrageous Ebola  “fact” she can so she quotes Marine Corps General John F. Kelly, commander of the Southern Command, speaking to the National Defense University in Washington, DC  saying that if Ebola comes to Central America there will be mass migration to the US.

That is followed by this dozy where he claims someone at the Centers for Disease Control reported that “By the end of the year, there will be 14 million people infected with Ebola and 62 percent of them dying.”

Now I’m searching for the background on this quote expecting another swing and a miss when I find a non-right wing story link. The quote is from an article by Jim Garamone in DoD News. General Kelly is quoted as saying that exact line.

Since no one else had debunked this one yet, I wrote to the head of communications at the National Defense Univesity asking for a transcript or video for context. I’ll let you know what I find out. I expect something like, ‘So I asked this CDC guy, “Okay, what’s the worse case? Let’s say Ebola gets airborne and nobody does anything at all. How bad could it get? What’s the World War Z scenario? And the unnamed CDC analyst says, “Welllll. when you put it that way…”

Being a rational Vulcan who has been watching the right wing for years, I expect the out and out lies, fear mongering and immigrant bashing shaped in the form of a claim to “protect our families.”  Also, Phyllis Schlafly has made some obtuse and offensive comments about Latinos in the past (Here she is talking to David Pakman) So I think we should just blow her off, as a non-creditable source.

But one of the things I think it’s important to remember is that the people these fund raising letters are targeted to aren’t going to do what I just did. That letter is going to work. Being sucked into fact checking them might be fun for some and lets us prove how dumb and gullible they are.

But instead of standing back and smirking, is there anything more we can do? What if that letter got forwarded to you from your right-wing sister-in-law? Would you be able to talk her down? Then what?

This is an opportunity to address the fake fears and deal with the real fears. Like, “Yes, our public health care system DOES need help, but not because of ebola. Because of a possible bird flu, so do  you think we should spend some more money on public heath programs and training nurses?”

You can also talk about the non-novel food-borne pathogens that kill thousands every year.  Stop disease at the border? “You bet! Did you know that only 1 percent of the food imported from Vietnam is checked by the FDA at the border?  And that the billionaires running the food industry want to remove inspections all together under the Trans Pacific Partnership scheme?”

Or “Speaking of the CDC, did you know that they keep track of the hundreds of people who die each year from salmonella, yet the chicken industry has denied the rise of  people getting sick from tainted chicken?”

 Late last year I was advising an organization about what messages might work to difference audiences about the Trans Pacific Partnership. I explained to the group that you can’t use the same sources, methods and messages to reach the right that you use on the left. Some messages work for both, but I would need different sources for the same info.

We know what stories and methods people use to ramp up fear, part of our challenge is determining ways to deescalate the fear and help people focus on the real problem that have real solutions.


Friday Fun Happy Feet Edition @spockosbrain

Friday Fun Happy Feet Edition

 by Spocko


We all have different ways to cheer us up after a week of hearing about drone strikes, RWNJs and ineffective media. For me it’s watching joyful dancing.

I’ve set this Dancing with the Stars clip at 1:34 seconds, a few seconds before the start of the dance. I recommend you click on the gear/settings and set quality to 720 HD and annotations off. Go to YouTube if you want to go full screen. Then put on your earphones or turn on the speakers and listen to Tom Jones singing “It’s not Unusual” and watch “The Carlton Dance.”


Why Did We Give JPMorgan Chase Months To Prepare for the Breach Announcement? by @spockosbrain

Why Did We Give JPMorgan Chase Months To Prepare for the Breach Announcement? by Spocko

Did you know that banks are not required to report data breaches unless it results in a financial loss to customers?

The intrusion also highlights a possible gap in United States regulations. Banks are not required to report data breaches and online intrusions unless the incident is deemed to have resulted in a financial loss to customers. Breach notification laws differ by state, but most laws require only that companies disclose a breach if customer names were stolen in conjunction with other information like a credit card, Social Security number or driver’s license number. 

In some states, companies can wait up to a month to inform customers of a breach. Other state laws are more vague.

New York Times Dealbook By Matthew Goldstein, Nicole Perlroth and David E. Sanger

Joint Operations train against cyber war

Lots of people have read that the JPMorgan Chase data intrusion started in June and went until mid-August. Maybe you read some of the technical publications that covered it like ARSTechnica, The long game: How hackers spent months pulling bank data from JPMorgan or maybe some business press back then JPMorgan Hackers Came In the Front Door — in June. Two Months of Mayhem (warning video autostart)

As one of the 83 million Chase customers whose data was exposed, I wanted to have known sooner than October 3.  Do you want to bet that a lot of really big customers did find out in advance? Anyone bother to ask them when? Did they stay or quietly move their accounts? Or were they informed that nine other financial institution were hacked and that the public doesn’t know because the Treasury is afraid of a financial panic/meltdown?

As the favorite, too big to fail bank, the US Government was there to help JPMorgan Chase as much as possible. I guess they felt guilty, what with forcing them to pay that big fine for their earlier massive fraud and asking them help with US imposed sanctions on Russia.

What is interesting to me is that I’ve read about 30 stories now about the data breach and most are still treating JPMorgan Chase with kid gloves. Some are downplaying the seriousness of this when asking questions. One story asked people on the street, and determined it’s a boring story and nobody cares.

Maybe all my questions have been asked and answered and I’m just slow. These questions might seem dumb or “out of the loop” by the savvy business press, but I’m just your average consumer Vulcan so I wrote the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and asked a few questions:

  • Do you have any comment about JPMorgan Chase’s announcement of the data breach from last June that was revealed more fully in October?
  • What are your thoughts about their response, specifically their decision to tell people they don’t have to change passwords and that they aren’t offering credit monitoring?
  • If there aren’t any requirements that they had to reveal the info sooner, why did they reveal it now? Was it only the SEC requirements that forced them? Different states have different laws about disclosure, did they violate any of these laws?

The burden of follow up and spot fraud was placed on the consumer following Chase’s failure to keep its network secure. 

  • Are there any regulations that they are violating here? Is anyone proposing new laws to protect the consumer in this case?
  • During other data breeches the institution that failed offered services to protect the consumer for fraud. JPMorgan Chase has not. They say they cover credit card losses, but in this case the main concern is consumer fraud since personal information was obtained because of their failure.
  • What were the reasons JPMorgan gave the government that they shouldn’t be required to help consumers deal with possible fraud in the months or years to come? Was the reason JP Morgan wasn’t required to provide greater protection because The US government determined the attack was state-sponsored?
  • If it is state-sponsored and that is why JPMorgan isn’t required to protect consumers, will the government step in?
  • Are we at cyber war with Russia? Who can I talk to about this?

The media is still absorbing this story. Fox is running, “What can you do to protect yourself?” stories. Maybe we will start seeing a deeper analysis of this soon, but only in the approved channels of inquiry. If it goes too far I’m guessing the “National Security” reasons will be invoked.

During the upcoming media and PR blitz I expect this attack on JPMorgan Chase will morph into “It’s your patriotic duty to stick with this bank or the terrorists Russians win.” Fox News loves wars, I’m guessing that the “We are at Cyberwar with Russia!” story to start soon. I hear they will have some nice theme music.

Dimon’s political clout will protect him. Too bad the CEO of Target didn’t have that he was forced to resign with the hack happened on his watch. Dimon will probably get a raise, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Like this guy.

Joint Operations train against cyber war photo by.Georgia National Guard Creative Commons License

Why Is The Media Taking JPMorgan Chase’s Word on their Massive Negligence? by @spockosbrain

Why Is The Media Taking JPMorgan Chase’s Word on their Massive Negligence?

by Spocko

Last night I put up a post over at FDL:  83 Million Reasons We Should Break Up JPMorgan Chase.

I joked a bit about how the media will cover it and just accept what they are told, because hey, it came from the official spokespeople, they wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

Things must remain stable otherwise the terrorists/Russians/hackers win!

If we had actual competition in the industry this breach would be a signal to all the other big banks to start snagging JP Morgan Chase customers.  But none of them want to risk breaking the code of silence.

But that doesn’t mean that other entities can’t start suggesting to people to leave Chase. Credit Unions, smaller banks and mattress companies can all start campaigns to get people to leave JPMorgan Chase.

I told my friends at New York Communities for Change to restart their campaign to get cities to leave JPMorganChase. They had some big successes and I’ll bet those cities are very happy today.

I’ve just read about 15 articles on the story. The press plays dutiful stenographer. ‘Just the facts’ as they are told. A few talked to some security experts. But no one talked to the people who actually worked on this breach. So it’s all second hand guesses how bad it really is.

The stories are now about how a consumer can protect themselves, since JPMorgan didn’t.  Chase is outsourcing the fraud detection to the humans whose accounts were negligently secured. Nice trick! Thanks for the new job!
But none of them suggest this, “Leave JPMorgan Chase.”

I watch lots of mystery shows about big thefts and one thing you notice is how misdirection and social engineering is used.  For example, we have been told that they used an employee password to get in. No genius hacker or massive supercomputer cracking necessary.  “It coulda happened to any bank!” they cry. But with the proper controls in place it never would have gotten this far. That is negligence. If it happened in a smaller bank fewer people would have been impacted.

Trust Us. Have We Ever Lied to You Before? Wait, Don’t Answer That!

The bank is now engaging in their own media blitz and social engineering to keep everyone calm. It’s working so far, the stock had a tiny drop but no big deal. And that is all Wall Street cares about. “Didn’t drop too much? Okay move along, nothing to see here.”

What is the panic they were afraid of? Everyone leaving the bank and going elsewhere. Not just individual accounts, business accounts. And that can still happen. JP Morgan wants you to see them as Jimmy Stewart and the good ol’ Building and Loan. But they are Mr. Potter and we all know it.

What if you want to destroy a big bank, but you didn’t want to directly take away their money? You might start by injecting doubt into the integrity of the bank. You might give people a reason to take their money out of the bank, voluntary. You interrupt the revenue stream, indirectly.

They are blaming the Russians because that is their current tech bad guy. (I’m surprised they didn’t blame ISIS or Occupy.)

What if you wanted to protect a specific bad bank but don’t want to acknowledge it’s just them?  You make it about the entire system. You wrap it in a flag, call it national security.

Any problems then must be seen as bad for America, not just JP Morgan Chase. It’s not an attack on a specific bank with bad security, it’s an Attack on America! That way everyone rallies around the bank! And they get special government help. “We must maintain confidence in the American Banking System!” But it’s not “The American Banking System” it’s JPMorgan Chase. They are the law-breaking-fine-paying, too-big-to-fail-so-we-won’t-prosecute them, bank.

If I was another bank that kept my systems secure, I wouldn’t want to be thrown in the same category as them but I would welcome the government’s protection.

Will This Breach Change People’s Behavior? 

I shop at Target. I pay cash. I know a lot of people who do, even though they probably have a much more solid security system now, it’s just this hangover feeling people have.

Will people start pulling their accounts? JP Morgan Chase is afraid of a run on the bank.  If I wanted to stop a run I would do like they did. I’d write a carefully crafted statement that the media swallows whole with little or no demands to know more. “Trust us,” they say, “have we ever lied to you before?”

Is my money at JPMorgan Chase safe?
Yes. There is no evidence that financial data such as account numbers, passwords, user IDs, dates of birth or Social Security numbers were accessed, acquired or compromised.
As always, you are not liable for any unauthorized transaction on your account that you promptly alert us to. We have not seen any unusual fraud activity related to this incident.

I just watched an episode of Crossing Lines in which the issue of “evidence” of a crime on a computer was erased. The crime happened, they just didn’t have evidence.

Just like the bank was wrong earlier about how many accounts were compromised, they could be wrong on “the evidence” or they could be lying. Do they have to make any of these statements under oath? Can anyone see those? How about the SEC? Any non-captured regulators? How about that new-fangled Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

What the hackers might do with the data isn’t clear YET.  Maybe they are waiting. Maybe this is exactly what they wanted to accomplish.

In this hilarious FAQ JPMorgan Chase tell people they don’t need to change their passwords and the bank doesn’t offer to buy you a credit monitoring service.

Note the wording, they don’t “believe” it’s necessary to change passwords. They don’t “think” customers should get new cards.

Besides working with computer software security experts, I’ve also worked with someone in the fraud part of the credit card industry. He explained that it is cheaper for the banks to just let the fraud happen than issue new cards. Sure they cover any fraud purchases, but what of the people whose identities were stolen? Ooopie. What is that line from Animal House? “You f’ed up you trusted us!”

The  media is still absorbing this story. Action News 7 will run the, “What can you to protect yourself?” stories. But “Five on Your Side” will never state the obvious, leave JPMorganChase. Because that would be attacking an advertiser.

During the upcoming media, PR blitz I expect this attack on JPMorgan Chase will morph into “It’s your patriotic duty to stick with this bank or the terrorists win.” You all can start asking your cities, businesses and groups,  “Why are you still with JPMorgan Chase?”

Starting today they don’t need a “political” reason to leave them like they did because of their previous horrible acts in the mortgage and foreclosure business. They can use the good ‘ol, “It’s in your best self interest!” reason to leave them. You know, the magical hand of the market!

For the kids, here’s the hashtag. #LeaveJPMorganChase


When Corporate Sponsors Leave ALEC and Rush. What We Learn by @spockosbrain

When Corporate Sponsors Leave ALEC and Rush. What We Learn  by Spocko

The other day Google announced it will be leaving ALEC. “Google becomes latest company to abandon right-wing ALEC.”

This is a big deal. It comes on the heels of a number of other corporations like Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Yahoo! having left ALEC.

These things don’t just happen magically. There are a lot of people who have worked very hard to make that happen. Here is a list of just some of them from the letter they sent to the Google folks earlier this month. 
I don’t know all the people behind those groups, although I can personally point to my friends at both the Center for Media and Democracy for their steller Alex Exposed work, and my friends at Color of Change, who earlier got corporations to peel off ALEC following the Trayvon Martin shooting
I think it’s important to acknowledge this success and see what we can learn from it.  Like the actions used to get advertisers to leave Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and other RW radio hosts, part of this is educating sponsors and advertisers about the person or entity’s comments and actions so people can decide they don’t want to taint their brand with the association.
We often think that if we just give people the facts they will make the right decision. That does apply in some cases, especially when dealing with Vulcans. Other times we think people only make decisions to maximize revenue, and that’s true when dealing with Ferengi. But humans are more complex, and we need to look at and combine multiple methods to persuade, convince or pressure. 
I listened to the Diane Rhem show where Eric Schmidt talked about ALEC. Here is his actual ALEC comment: (emphasis mine)

I’m curious to know if Google is still supporting ALEC, which is that fund lobbyist in D.C. that are funding climate change deniers.  

We funded them as part of a political game for something unrelated. I think the consensus within the company was that that was sort of a mistake. And so we’re trying to not do that in the future.

And how did you get involved with them in the first place? And were you then disappointed in what you saw?

Well, the company has a very strong view that we should make decisions in politics based on facts. What a shock. And the facts of climate change are not in question anymore. Everyone understands climate change is occurring. And the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people. They’re just literally lying.

This comment is great, but for us to learn something about why efforts to use the Spocko Method to alert advertisers and sponsors works, it helps to listen to other parts of the show. 

That’s great. Is it different when you’re thinking about millennials? Are they perhaps more open to the kinds of ideas that Google has come to stand for?

Certainly, the millennials that we recruit, hire and so forth, in every way, they seem better than my generation. They’re better prepared, they’re better educated, they’re more collaborative than my generation and they’re more socially conscious. They don’t want to spend their time working for the man in some cog in a wheel doing one task. They want to feel that there’s a social purpose to what they’re doing, that they’re improving the world in some way.

And, indeed, you’ll look in tech companies, many of them have very sophisticated corporate responsibility programs or branding around trying to help. And that’s as much to keep the employees motivated as it is for good customer relationships.

Now I know Eric, and have worked with him and Google before, so I know that what he is saying is accurate for Google. But it also applies to people in lots of other companies. 
This is not true of all companies or all people, but the other thing that is not true of all companies is the idea that a public corporation has one, and only objective–to maximize shareholder value. Lynn Stout talked about that myth on Virtually Speaking from her book The Shareholder Value Myth.

What tipped Google over the edge into leaving ALEC? I don’t know exactly, but his answers give us clues. The lying, the hurting children and grandchildren are a big part of it. Then the key phrase, “we should not be aligned with such people.”

The lying part goes against the “fact-based decision making” model you might expect from a science/engineering/computer company. But you also see how personal, emotional and other values come into the decision.

If you did some reading (or listen to NPR) you would know that Eric and Wendy Schmidt started the Schmidt Family Foundation whose webpage says,

Our vision is a heralthy, vibrant society that values functioning ecosystems, active civic engagement and equity for all.

In addition, Wendy was a founding member of Climate Central  “… an organization that combines an expert media team with the work of experts using the newest science to measure and describe climate change.”

CEOs aren’t always the final decider, but when you can line up multiple reasons ranging from financial through emotional and into brand image they can be convinced to take a different course of action.

ALEC and Rush appeal to people’s most selfish impulses. They use greed, fear and ignorance to get what they want. They want us to believe that everyone thinks like they do, when in fact it is a self-selected minority that holds these beliefs. They say if you only believe them, you will be among society’s winners.

But when we go to the interested third parties and educate them, many of those real winners are disgusted with what they hear. Combining that education with appeals to both personal and stated corporate values systems and you have a solid package to help them decide to walk away.

If you want to convince people within the corporate form to walk away from a right wing media personality or a right wing legislation bill mill, learn who they are, what they say their company is about and ALL the things that they care about. We have lots of ways to find that out now, just Google them.

Can John Oliver Writer Scott Sherman Help Expose Gen. Zinni’s Raytheon Connection? @spocksobrain

Can John Oliver Writer Scott Sherman Help Expose Gen. Zinni’s Raytheon Connection? 

by Spocko

Hey Scott,

I’d love you to do a segment for John Oliver about how the network TV shows aren’t telling the public that the retired generals selling the Syrian bombing and ISIS war actually work for the military contractors who profit from the war.
UPDATE: Cost of U.S. campaign against the Islamic State likely closing in on $1 billion

You might be thinking, “Didn’t the New York Times already write this story after the Iraq war?” You are correct sir! It was written in 2008. Link  It was about the last war. Now there are all new retired generals for this war.

Here’s the TLDR of Dan Bastow’s Pulitzer winning article:

All the networks got busted for their military analysts having financial conflicts of interest.

Then why does Last Week Tonight need to do a segment? Because they are at it again. And they are ignoring the people calling them on it. That’s why we need you.

Two weeks ago Lee Fang of The Nation wrote Who’s Paying the Pro-War Pundits?  The retired generals going on the TV networks pushing for ISIS and Syrian bombing, drone strikes and more “boots on the ground.” In most cases the networks didn’t tell viewers that they actual worked for General Dynamics, Raytheon and whatever name Blackwater is calling itself this week.

Fang’s piece built on an extensive 2013 report, Conflicts of Interest in the Syria Debate by the Public Accountability Initiative. I wrote to Fang and asked what the media response was. Nada.  The TV media ignore journalism critics because they can. “Ohh what are they going to do? Shame us in print? Ohhh I’m so scared.” As you learned at the Daily show, it’s harder for them to ignore comedy TV shows. That’s why we need you.

They even tried to avoid the New York Times piece. My favorite comment from that piece was, “A spokeswoman for Fox News said executives ‘refused to participate’ in this article.”

They had to deal with the Times piece because there was a financial conflict issue. Therefore the network lawyers, accountants and HR people were forced to act, even though the spokespeople didn’t. And that is another reason we need you, not only will everyone at the networks watch the show, it now has a reputation of doing journalism and getting your viewers to act. (BTW, the FCC sends its hate.)

So how did the network’s lawyers, accountants and HR people avoid the financial conflict of interest problems? Easy, they simply don’t hire the generals to be their military analysts anymore! Clever boots eh?

Networks accountants love it, they save money and don’t need to send out all those pesky 1099 forms! Plus, since the generals aren’t employees, they don’t have to follow any annoying HR internal guidelines, corporate ethics rules or SEC reporting rules for a publicly traded company. The retired generals are now just ‘guests’ with opinions!

What this tells us is that unless the TV networks have some sort of legal or financial pressure, they’ll continue to cover for the people making money on this war.

But does it really matter if everyone knows? When I tell savvy news consumers this they say, ‘Well duh, of course they work for a military contractor. So what? What general ISN’T for more war?”

It might be different if during this run up to the bombing and war the TV networks did even the minimal, “both sides” game. Did we hear from veterans against the war or historians talking about the disastrous blow back consequences of war?

Every time they talked about those ISIS beheadings did they ‘balance’ it with heart breaking videos of innocent children being killed by US drone strikes?

Why not? Because there is no money in peace for the network. Plus it might upset the former military guests, who count on the media to let them tell their story to the public like one big infomercial.

(Side note: If these “news” shows were classified as an infomercial or as a celebrity endorsement, the FTC would be overseeing it. Fox News’ own FTC Standards and Practices rules make it clear the lack of disclosure would not be allowed. See pages 6, 10, 11, 20 and 21)

For example, look at retired General Jack Keane. He’s a Director of General Dynamics. He is paid in stock. More war, more product sold, stock goes up — he makes more money.

TV journalists aren’t identifying these connections even though:

They’ll blow off the journalists, the FCC and ignore their own admission of blowing it last time. They follow FTC regulations for now because if they don’t it costs them money.

But they won’t blow off you guys. The next day all the internet will be aflame with the video, ‘John Oliver Eviscerates TV Journalists’ Excuses” or “Watch John Oliver Destroy Network News Divisions” And your readers will all be tweeting to the TV networks things like:

@ABC @GStephanopoulos When talking about #syriaairstrikes why don’t you tell viewers Gen Zinni works for .@Raytheon, the missile’s maker?

I’d like to think that massive public attention of their complacency would help because it would give the public something specific to ask the TV network journalists, producers and bookers to do, since, ‘Do your fucking job!” isn’t working.

As your old boss once said to the hosts on Crossfire, “Stop. You are hurting America.” They are at it again. It’s your turn now.

What Rush Limbaugh’s Attack On Activists Is Telling Us by @spockosbrain

What Rush Limbaugh’s Attack On Activists Is Telling Us by Spocko

Over at Daily Kos Leslie Salzillo wrote a great diary that breaks down the ‘secret story’ that Rush Limbaugh’s crisis communications person wrote about the StopRush movement. Rush Limbaugh Must Be Terrified – He’s Releasing Secret ‘Facts’ About StopRush

Salzillo does a great job pointing out all the nonsense in the report. I want to point out to people why Rush is attacking activists now and how I view the attack as a gift to the community of people alerting advertisers.

Rush’s Report “The Hidden Story Behind Stop Rush” tells us what they are telling the distributors, radio stations and sales reps.  That’s good news, activists can use that information to keep pushing.

When I developed my method, I always liked to learn what the sales rep at KSFO was telling advertisers about the letters, calls, and faxes(!) they were getting from me and my friends.

They tried multiple ways to discount the work I was doing. They made excuses, told lies, attacked my character and threatened me financially and legally. Then I would incorporate their criticisms into my next round of letters to advertisers.

That is why this article is a gift. They are telling us the lines they are giving to radio station owners on why Rush isn’t bringing in the revenue he used to. They are also telling the station owners and sales reps what to tell the advertisers who are leaving.

Things like:

 1) These people aren’t from your community
 2) They aren’t your customers
 3) There are only a handful of them–it’s all robots
 4) They are afraid to use their real names for no good reason
 5) It’s all a big conspiracy, not a grass roots movement.

 In sum. they tell the advertisers, “You are hearing from out-of-state bullies and cowards, paid for by George Soros. Ignore them and keep advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show!”

 (Fun Fact: The reason they think this is what is happening is because that is what THEY do. Projection, it’s not just in movie theaters these days.)

Another thing this report tells us is that the distributors have put pressure on Rush to DO something, such as stop saying such offensive things. But he will not. So they attack the activists.

That is what KSFO, ABC/Disney and the hosts did to me. So instead of the management telling the hosts to stopping spewing violent rhetoric and bigotry, they went after me as a way to stop their financial pain.

 Rush will not modify what he says, so he attacks the people who capture the clips, Media Matters, and all the activists who use them to point out what he is saying to advertisers.

 Putting this movement on the “George Soros funded” Media Matters, and naming them as the leader kills two birds with one stone in their minds. (BTW, am I glad I used a pseudonym? You bet. Who I am would have been the focus instead of the issues of copyright and what the hosts were saying on air.)

The other target for this article are the Rush listeners. They are being educated too. As usual they are given pre-digested talking points to use when questioned about an issue.

The report cues up the real bullies by listing some of the twitter handles of the people involved in the StopRush campaign. I can almost hear the dog whistle to listeners, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” If the activists didn’t have “good evidence” to be afraid before, they will now. Be sure to file the police reports of your death threats folks!

I’m sure women on the internet objecting politely to advertisers about Rush Limbaugh’s comments about women won’t be subject to anything vile by Limbaugh fans. /sarcasm

“Advertisers aren’t leaving Rush because of what he says, but because they are being bullied by those mean ol’ libs! Rush is the real victim here.” – a fine red whine, circa 2014

Remember, the Right always wants to be The Victim, especially when they are in power.

The Leverage Point for Advertisers Isn’t Money, It’s Brand

The people whose voices really matter to the distributors and stations are the advertisers. The advertisers have figured out that Rush isn’t going to change. Appealing to their desire to make more money by advertising on Rush’s show isn’t going to work like it used to. Now not supporting Rush is a message about who they are and what their brand is.

Before writing an advertiser I always would go to the advertisers’ web page and look at their values statements. I asked them. “Does this host, who you are sponsoring, reflect your values? This is what you say on your page.” I also looked at the people who worked there, who are they as people? I found lots of decent folks, just like you and I.

That is also why I contacted not just the person responsible for advertising, but the head of HR, marketing and PR. They all needed to hear what it was that the hosts were saying that they were paying for. The fact that many times the head of PR and HR were women helped clarify the case.

Additionally these people usually helped write those value statements and their brand identities. Sometimes these people cared about their brand because it also reflected something about who THEY are. Very few people and companies like to associate themselves or their brand with sexism, racism, bigotry and violent rhetoric. Today we also can include homophobia.

 However, some were fine with what Rush was saying. I was always polite as a way of telling them I respected their decisions although I didn’t agree with them.

The Advertisers Chooses. Let the Host Taint Your Brand or Walk Away.

The Spocko Method isn’t a boycott, I never threaten anyone. I ask them. “Do you agree with what he is saying? Is this host for you? Imagine the host wearing your company logo shirt and saying the things he said on air at a company meeting. Do you still want to sponsor him?”

This reports shows they are grasping at straws (and straw men!) in order to stop the continuing financial pain. By focusing on the activists they are telling the advertisers, “We have no intention of changing anything, your money isn’t that important to us, we’ll find some RW think tanks to funnel us money.”

The entire radio industry advertising model for RW radio has been upset. They don’t like to talk about it, but the managers and distributors are hoping the money hemorrhage will stop during political advertising season. But that is a temporary reprieve. They have lost thousands of customer facing advertising and they aren’t coming back as long as Rush keeps being Rush.

 If I allowed my human emotions to show now I would be smiling.

What if Your City Was Hit by Raytheon-made Cruise Missiles? by @spockosbrain

What If Your City Was Hit by Raytheon-made Cruise Missiles 

by Spocko

View from 450 Sutter, San Francisco, California, United States of America, September 22, 2014. 
My dentist’s office is on the top floor of 450 Sutter St. in SF.  It houses hundreds of dentists, oral surgeons and orthodontists. I think Herb Caen dubbed it, “The House of Pain” a few decades ago. 
Before my teeth were cleaned I snapped this shot. Imagine my surprise watching a cruise missile sail by the window! I waited for the 1,000 pound bomb to find its target of ISIS in America. I’ve heard retired Gen. Anthony Zinni talk about the need for these bombs to the TV journalists. 
At 1.5 million bucks a pop, I was pretty confident this smart bomb would hit its mark. I just hope none of the moderate people around them are hurt. 
As the dental hygienist and I talked about the Simpsons and mountain bike riding, it occurred to me how easily it was to ignore these missiles and bombs hitting us unless we personally see them or are hit by them.
I know it’s not me the missiles are targeting, it’s only targeting bad people in our city. I’m sure you know how it is in your city. You have some bad people in your city you expect to be hit by the American military. It stops terrorists.  
My teeth were clean, I got my new purple toothbrush and three containers of floss and made my way home among the debris. Just another beautiful day in Baghdad by the Bay.

Photo collage by Spocko
BTW, since this has been picked up as “news” I want to make it clear this post is not about San Francisco being hit, but to point out being hit by the a cruise missile is an everyday thing in many cities.
Imagine it was your city being hit.