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Author: Spocko

Make winning defamation cases a profit center for the left @spockosbrain

First some happy good news. Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss won their defamation case against OAN!

OAN Settles One Election Defamation Suit, Only One Million To Go

After months of vicious harassment Freeman and Moss sued Giuliani and OAN, which “spent months airing grainy edited footage of the pair, and the network’s White House correspondent Chanel Rion for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Separately, the pair filed a similar suit against wingnut website Gateway Pundit in Missouri state court.”

Joy Reid’s story in the Reidout Blog reminds people of the threats the two received.

In this third piece on threats I wanted to give an example of what to DO when threatened by the right. (Part 1 , Part 2)

This Freeman defamation case is a prime example of a successful action given our current justice system, media and social media environment. I’ve been looking into civil actions because criminal cases take a long time and you have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil cases can be won with a preponderance of evidence.

The civil cases against Rudy Giuliani and the Gateway Pundit that involves doxxing are still open. I hope those will be successful too.

Every week I listen to Glenn Kurschner explain why prosecutors don’t want to take on cases that they think they can’t win, especially cases against TFG. In part one I wrote about all the excuses police, the media and politicians use to avoid dealing with cases involving threats & harassment.

Too often financial settlements can turn into, “Just the cost of doing business” especially for people who have the resources to pay the fines. A financial settlement also can be used to shut down criminal cases, as we have seen with sexual harassment cases. So to get justice for the victims we need to also use the criminal justice system. This is why we still need to find the people who made the death threats against Ruby and Shay and put them in jail.

Ask your lawyer if a defamation case is right for you!

I had a great conversation with Daniel Powell, the Managing Attorney at Minc Law, LLC. they handle defamation cases and his firm has a lot of excellent info on their website. One of the things he explained was the importance of figuring how what is and isn’t a good case and what can be done to help people. Sometimes it doesn’t involve filing a defamation case.

He explained the process of getting evidence, uncovering anonymous users, and how they work with social media companies. (I was so impressed by the depth & breath of the info I told him to pass on my praise to the research and writing staff. )

The right has increased the level of threats, harassment and defamation against the left in the last 5 years. We now have a model for a successful defamation case, let’s use it!

I’ve passed on the info about dealing with defamation to my friends in the media. I’m also going to pass it onto my friends in public health. Hundreds of individuals have chosen to leave the public health profession rather than deal with the harassment and attacks. The protections in most states are weak or non-existent. A few states finally passed some laws against harassing and doxxing public health officials. The folks at the Network for Public Health Law. ( NPHL) put together a 50 state guide of the legal protections for public health community for the National Association for Country and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

NACCHO does great work. I’ve talked to the CEO, Lori Tremmel Freeman many times, and learned what their members are facing with regard to threats on social media and other attacks. The lawyers at NPHL have been educating people on what laws apply to them in their states. But right now it’s not in either of their remits to help individual public health staff to find, and then sue, the people who have been harassing, threatening and defaming them.

I’m encouraging them and the folks within State Associations of County and City Health Officials (SACCHO) to help their members deal with the attacks. Based on the number of threats around the country, the odds are high that many of them have legitimate civil defamation cases.

For a current example look at this case St. Luke’s Health System filed against Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and their various political organizations for defamation and “sustained online attacks.” Bundy’s lawyers are incredibly smart and have evaded criminal charges for years, but assembling a preponderance of evidence against them is very doable. What most people don’t know is that Bundy’s group has backers with deep pockets.

St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise Idaho and Ammon Bundy (Thomas Boyd/Oregon Live Staff)

But if defamation becomes a profit center, won’t everyone do it?

When I say, “Turn defamation into a profit center!” I know there is are right-wing groups that will say, “We were defamed too! We’re going to file cases against the LEFT!” But here’s the deal, they aren’t looking for justice after being threatened and defamed. They’re filing lawsuits to scare people, shut them up and force them to use their resources to defend against frivolous cases.  As a demonstration of this, with an instant example, OAN filed a defamation suit against Rachel Maddow. THEY LOST. BIG TIME OAN Ordered to Pay MSNBC $250,000 After Losing Defamation Suit)

We all know that the right loves to be the victim, even when they aren’t. Besides whining about what they’ll call defamation, they’ll start reporting dubious cases against us on social media, start filing bogus police reports about being attacked by chalk and start frivolous lawsuits. They’ll use the new Texas social media law to tie up the courts.

When the media starts reporting on this I worry they’ll get bogged down into the technicalities and miss how the right has been using he law to muddy it’s legitimate use.

We need to point out the MASSIVE DIFFERENCE between the left trying to get justice and compensation for harm inflicted on them vs the right using the legal system to inflict new harm based on bogus claims.

We need to be clear about the serious harm that is being done by the right to the left with their threats, harassment and defamation. We need to build a record of multiple successful criminal and civil cases against the right. But it won’t be easy. As Atrios so succinctly put it:

“…the job of Dem lawyers is to tell you why you can’t do things, and the job of Republican lawyers is to tell you (them) why they can.
Also, too, Dems have a “if you can’t win, don’t try” approach, instead of “keep trying to show what you’re up against” attitude.”

@Atrios, Eschaton Blog May 5, 2022

I’m calling for the legitimate and totally appropriate use of the civil legal system. I’m also calling for clear messaging from the left on this like, “THIS IS A GOOD THING. DO MORE OF THIS.”

(MSNBC could, for example, compare Freeman’s successful case against OAN’s to OAN’s failed defamation case against Rachel Maddow. But they won’t. They hate being the subject of a story. )

The right will use the legal system to slow down, wear down and depress us. But they’ve been losing. Some are even getting disbarred in the process for their frivolous cases.

The court of public opinion matters too. We must cheer on the fact that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss won a big defamation case. OAN lost. Our case was legitimate. Their case wasn’t.

We Fight. We Win. We Do It Again.

The Trump strategy of using threats, intimidation and defamation to get what he wants has been working for him for decades. He’s encouraged others to do the same. He’ll never change his behavior. But not everyone has his resources. He’s not the target for these cases.

Civil cases are just one way change the behavior of the people on the right. They know that what they are doing is wrong, but it doesn’t become real to them until they have to pay a price. They are paying now. Make more of them pay.

Cross posted to Spocko’s Brain

Humans of Facebook, please restore @Karoli’s account @spockosbrain

Right now my editor at Crooks and Liars, Karoli, is facing a suspension of her personal Facebook account. She was phished and hacked. The hacker inserted offensive words and images in her account. She reported it right away. but she can’t get Facebook to act.

The Facebook algorithm caught the offensive words and images. If it WAS reviewed the outsourced review by contractors they didn’t know that she was a “high profile individual” connected to Crooks and Liars. What she needed was a human at Facebook to recognize this connection, understand that this was an organized attack and do something about it.

Based on the excellent reporting by Ryan Mac and Craig Silverman at Buzzfeed News, we know that Facebook has a process to help “high profile individuals” so when they are reported by people, they will “cross check” or “XCheck,” them to determine what is happening that an AI would miss.

I happen to think that Karoli is a “high profile individual” but how do I get to a human at Facebook and convince them of that?

I suppose I could call Sheryl Sandberg and say, “Hey Sheryl, Karoli’s page was removed by your AI when she was phished during an organized campaign of harassment. I’d like to get it restored, but I’d also like the entire Crooks and Liars’ staff to be on your human reviewed “cross check” list, because the attackers won’t just stop with her. ”

She’s probably say, “Spocko? You are a crook and a liar? Cross check? What?” [Security! Trace this call!]

If I got to complete the call she might tell a human at Facebook to review Karoli’s case & restore her page. For most people that would be enough. But frankly I want to more. I want to see accountability for those threatening and attacking her online. Because as I wrote the other day, accepting threats on social media should not be part of anyone’s job.

But who should we contact so that there are negative consequences for the people doing the harassing? Who will pursue the people who organized and funded the harassing? Will they pay a price for their use of these phishers using these specific vile accusations on an individual’s page?

Karoli mostly posts cute doggy pics, like this.

We have this assumption that if the people are caught and punished severely enough in the legal system, they will change their behavior. But if there are no negative legal consequences, why would anyone bother to change their behavior?

I’ve found that there are some concrete steps you can take to defend yourself and others from online harassment. Like:

These are all great, but what I am interested in are cases where people won civil suits against harassers, organizers and the funders.

PEN America lists a case against the publisher of The Daily Stormer where they were ordered to pay $14 million and another one against an individual who was ordered to pay $6.45 million in damages.

In part one of my piece I noted that major journalism organizations should be filing civil suits against the organizers of people who are harassing and threatening others. So many of these resources I listed are directed toward helping the individual, but this an rare individual problem. It’s a collective problem that needs a larger collective response.  

For example, the type of attack that Senator Lana Theis chose to use against Senator Mallory McMurrow the other day is similar to the type attack that was directed at Karoli and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Recently Jane Mayer did a piece identifying who is behind these attacks and used these specific words and phrases to defame.

I’m not saying that American Accountability Foundation is behind the attacks on Karoli and Crooks and Liars, but what a lot of people don’t know is that FACEBOOK likely knows EXACTLY who is behind the attack.

Let’s get this investigations started!

Because of my background in tech and computer security, I know something about what a company like Facebook knows about attacks on their users and who are the attackers.
(If you would like to read what they admit to knowing, here are two interesting article from them, How Does Facebook Investigate Cyber Threats and Information Operations? and
Removing Bad Actors on Facebook)

I would like to get a criminal investigation started about this attack on Karoli. We always hear how hard it is to prove a criminal conspiracy, you have to show intent and have hard evidence. But if we can’t prove a criminal case, I’d like to file a civil case. “But Spocko,” you ask, “What good is a civil case if the defendants are a bunch of broke randos? ” That’s where the mountains of data that Facebook’ gathers can be used to prove it was an organized campaign and to connect the perpetrators to the funders.

Based on other evidence we already gathered, we know that certain wealthy individuals and organizations ARE connected with this specific type of defamation campaign. Bottom line: Someone needs to go after them.

People ARE harmed by organized harassment and defamation campaigns. Death threats via social media are serious. Big Journalism entities like The Washington Post and PBS should be pushing for more serious consequences for the perpetrators and funders of this harassment and these threats, but are reluctant to do so. Small journalism entities don’t have the resources to do so.

The owners of the social media platforms HAVE tools and the evidence to prove the cases, but they don’t get involved further unless law enforcement is asking for it. Law enforcement needs the appropriate laws to use and the DAs will to use them. We can push for law enforcement and prosecutors to get more aggressive in these cases. We can remind others on the left that pushing for negative legal consequences to the people harassing others online doesn’t mean we are against free speech.

After my massive post talking about the issues behind harassment and threats online, for part two I wanted to give you an example of a journalist being harassed online. I gave some ideas about what I think should be done, but I’ve learned that telling people, “You know what you should do?” is often met with, “Yeah, but…” or “I already tried that and it didn’t work.” So I understand that my desire for criminal and civil action might not happen, for many reasons. I have already shown how to organize negative financial consequences for those engaging in violent rhetoric, but I recognize that the legal system, though not perfect, has a major role to play in how we as a civilized country seek justice.

UPDATE: Karoli’s account was restored, but she is still in Facebook jail for offenses *she* didn’t commit. But no word from humans at Facebook that C&L editors and contributors are now part of the “cross check” list. This is important because targeted phishing is still coming at us. If she doesn’t hear from them this week I’m going to have to call Sheryl!

I’m glad her account is back, but I REALLY want to see accountability for those who are threatening and attacking her online and punishment for the wealthy individuals and organizations behind it that are connected with this specific type of defamation campaign.

Cross posted at Spocko’s Brain

Accepting death threats IS NOT part of the job! @spockosbrain 

I was watching Judy Woodruff and Martin Baron, former editor of the Washington Post, in a talk when they were asked about criticism of their work. Woodruff gave what I recognize as the standard line that mainstream journalists give that they are doing a good job when they are getting “pushback from both ends of the political spectrum.” She said that criticism “comes with the turf.”

The host then asked about her support of the International Women’s Media Foundation and how the focus is on protecting women journalists who are subject to threats and harassment. He asked both whether “this anger at the press is manifesting itself in a kind of behavior that’s not just an angry tweet or letter, but it’s something else.”

Judy Woodruff and Martin Baron with Geoffrey Cowan Apr 13, 2022 | America at a Crossroads

Baron talked about “the aggrieved individual’ that killed journalists at the Annapolis paper the Capital Gazette. (Link ) He mentioned incidents that were directed toward Washington Post staff that “indicated that people knew where we lived and that damage could be done and that physical harm could take place.” He explained that staff at the Washington Post were subject to threats on email, by phone, Twitter and from people showing up at people’s homes.

He said it’s now become a “common occurrence” and he thinks that all media outlets have “just increased the amount of security that’s available. A lot of background checks on the people who are threatening us.” He wanted viewers to know that there is security at headquarters and now at journalist’s homes.

Woodruff talked about the danger to journalists around the world because “the government doesn’t protect them” She mentioned Mexico, the Philippines and Turkey and said that in the United States “people feel freer to target the press than at any time in her career.”

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Judy Woodruff and Martin Baron with Geoffrey Cowan Apr 13, 2022 | America at a Crossroads. A joint undertaking of Community Advocates, Inc. and Jews United for Democracy and Justice.

When she talked about ” political rallies” she didn’t mention Trump’s name or Republicans. Why not name him and what he encourages? So PBS wouldn’t be accused of being biased against the right. This “playing it down the middle” when it is clear 99% of the threats are coming from the right covers up the source of the problem.

I understand the mindset, they strive to be accurate. Let’s say out of the 2000 death threats they get in a month, one appears to be from the left. It’s accurate to say, “We get death threats from both sides of the political spectrum.” But what’s the ratio? All death threats are bad, no matter who sends them, but to pretend this is equally coming from the left is to misrepresent the story.

This “both sides do it” on everything comes after decades of the right working the media refs. Like when we see the media cover a 200,000 member anti-war protest and half of a 60 second story is talking to the 10 pro-war protesters.

This is not “both sides” writing letters to complain about media bias. This is people from the right sending emails, making calls & tweeting saying, “We know where you and your family live, if you don’t stop what you are saying we are going to kill them and you.”

For the right harassment and threats have become a TFG approved method to target EVERYONE who doesn’t do what the extremists want. Including Republican politicians.

What that clip shows is just how normalized death threats have become. As Ambrosius said at Crooks & Liars about this. “Pfft. Death threats are free speech now.”

When Upton didn’t condemn the armed hoards in Michigan protesting at the state capitol with guns, he encouraged threats of political violence as acceptable. Now that it’s directed at him and other moderate Republicans, he’s resigning.

What he should be doing is demanding this stop, finding the people making the threats & prosecuting them. (Now when I say that, does your mind instantly think, ‘Uh, oh, that could be a problem! That could be a slippery slope and threaten free speech. That could be used by the government against me!” Well congratulations, the messaging process of lumping death threats into “free speech” has succeeded. )

Remember when the school board association asked the FBI to look into the threats to school board members? The right flipped out and used that request as a victimization talking point. “Censorship! Government witch hunt! They are trying to cancel us just for speaking our opinions!”

It became a talking point for the right and the media covered it. The FBI had to issue a statement that the FBI is not using threat tags on parents who protest at school board meetings.

The FBI statement said the agency has “never been in the business of investigating parents who speak out or policing speech at school board meetings.”

“We are fully committed to preserving and protecting First Amendment rights, including freedom of speech,” the statement said. “The FBI’s focus is on violence and threats of violence that potentially violate federal law.”

The right WANTs to merge in the public’s minds that threats of violence toward school boards members is exactly the same as people speaking at a school board meeting. They know to invoke the phrase “First Amendment Rights” when talking about any government agency action. They know to use the phrase “free speech” to get platitude free speech supporters to defend them in the abstract.

They right applies this same strategy toward media organizations who want to focus on threats of violence toward journalists. “I thought you said you see yourself as promoters of free speech? Then how can you object to me sending you an email saying I’m going to come to your house and hang you? That’s my free speech!”

What is to be done?

I was talking to people at Eschaton about my frustration around a proactive response from the media about these threats. (Twenty years of pity brilliance today!) I have several reasons why I think there is a weak response from the media. In part two I’ll have some suggestions about what PBS and Washington Post should do, which will be ignored, so I’ll talk about some specific things that we can do to help independent journalists, bloggers and activists deal with threats.

Why isn’t anything done?

1) The media are often in the position of defending people’s words. They don’t want to look like a censor, or look like they can’t take some criticism. After all, they criticize people all the time! Of course they try to be careful to not libel or slander people. They usually aren’t calling for people’s death.

2) Law enforcement wants to charge someone with breaking a law. Law enforcement has to decide if the threat is serious enough to investigate. DAs have to decide if they catch the person will they pursue the case. Also, this is usually a local case first, when it becomes a an outside threat, things change. The idea that local physical violence is the priority makes sense from the point of view of safety and resources, but what’s the best way to respond to threats of unknown origins?

As we have learned from the great reporting from Reuters about threats to campaign workers, law enforcement doesn’t follow up on threats. U.S. election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount By Linda So and Jason Szep

3) The right has learned to use Trump’s Mob Speak. They know what words to use when harassing, threatening and intimidating the media. They also know how to claim victimhood, even when they are the perpetrator. The ones who aren’t smart, who double down and state their intent to do harm, still get defended by smart lawyers who coach them on how to avoid serious legal consequences.

Reporters, campaign workers, public health officials and stand-up comedians should NOT ACCEPT death threats as part of their job!

I realize I’m making generalizations about how “the media” responds, so while I’d like to look at the threats Baron mentions, he has clearly been told not to discuss the incidents. Law enforcement, the media organization security staff, their lawyers and their PR people all tell executives not to discuss it. There are several possible reasons behind not bringing up the stories.

  1. The police might still be investigating. “We can’t comment on on-going investigations.”
  2. They don’t want to invite copy cats.
  3. The media company’s security wants everyone to know that there is now physical security at media headquarters and at reporters homes so someone shows up to cause harm they will be caught. (However, in reality, they can’t protect all the staffers all the time.)
  4. The PR people don’t want to let the attackers know that they were successful in frightening the journalists. That’s why they put out the story that, “They will continue to bravely report on the news.”

5. The law enforcement and private investigators working for the company are preparing criminal and civil cases. They don’t want the attackers to know they are tracking the people making threats and gathering evidence.

Now I’d LOVE to think that law enforcement and private investigators are preparing criminal and civil cases to prosecute the attackers, but i don’t think that’s happening. Besides the reasons above, I think that there are self imposed limitations journalism organizations have when it comes to dealing with harassment, intimidation and threats. It’s an idea that as defenders of valid free speech that can’t actively follow up and call for the prosecution of those who harass and threaten them.

One of the things I’ve learned is that sometimes actions aren’t taken because of an “attitude” problem, but because it’s a resource problem. The organization Judy mentioned, International Women’s Media Fund, has a page on safety. On that page they link to a group, called Troll Busters that helps journalists who are being harassed online. Here are some of the things that they do:

  • Help you figure out what you should do next.
    • Monitor the tainted stream.
    • Help report trolls to the appropriate platforms and authorities.
    • Provide free lessons on digital hygiene to help you protect yourself.
    • Conduct training on digital security and response.

Like Crash Overide, the group I wrote about earlier when comedian Blair Erskin was threatened, all this is important work. The media organizations can help fund these organizations and provide the services. But there needs to be more.

Does PBS and The Washington Post support organizations that file civil suits against the organizers of people who are harassing and threatening others? Or would they be afraid to be seen as funding that?
There can be successful individual civil cases about people harassing and threatening others online, but we know from the January 6th findings that there are specific groups behind people engaging in online attacks. Also, there are big money backers linked to these attacks.

Another big problem for many individuals and groups dealing with threats is that law enforcement doesn’t want to investigate. Carol Leonnig has written about how they dismiss threats as “1st Amendment issues.” Also, local DAs don’t want to prosecute. Someone over at Crook and Liars pointed out that casting everything as a “legal” issue can be limiting, especially when the laws on harassments that are needed, don’t exist in many states.

The right understands all this and uses journalism entities fear of aggressive follow up and prosecution of the people sending threats. They have learned that they can avoid consequences for their harassment.

The right will use a twisted definition of what is “free speech” to get some on the left to defend them. They will also use the current Supreme Court case, Elonis vs. US about threats via Facebook, to cast online threats as minor and not a “true threat.”

Why are there no demands for changes in laws? Because politicians on the left are afraid of being called censors or haters of free speech. Media organizations don’t want to be get involved for similar reasons. They could support laws protecting people, like the ones created for public health officers about doxxing and harassment, but will that? (See this report from my friends at the Network for Public Health Law on how states are protecting public health officials from harassment. )

So if media organizations aren’t going to go after the perpetrators or push for new laws, what can they do? Start with rejecting the premise that this “comes with the territory.” This is NOT “just the price we pay for living in America during the social media age.” This is a conscious decision by one political party and a specific person to intimidate, dominate and weak the media.

The big media entities also need to acknowledging that harassment and threats to their people happen on social media. The threats are primarily from the right. The social media companies COULD do more, but they don’t.

Social media companies have attempted to rein in the perpetrators by updating and then enforcing their community guidelines. They use AI and ask for users to report violations. That helped somewhat, and then the right figured out how to use those community guidelines and the limitations in Facebook’s AI to harass and threaten people!

I’m going to give some specific examples on how a media company could work with a social media company to go after the people and organizers of threat and harassment campaigns in part two and three.

If you can’t change people’s behavior, make harassing and threatening others unprofitable

I’m a blogger and activist. I’m been working on ways to make ensure negative consequences for people engaging in violent rhetoric since 2005 when I developed a method to cut into the right-wing media’s advertiser revenue stream. (Link) It’s had a major impact on right wing media’s revenue stream from advertisers.

I’m now looking to ensure negative consequences for people engaging in threats of violence. Back in 2005 I knew I needed leverage and compelling reasons to get right wing media hosts to rein in their violent rhetoric. I used financial leverage, the internal values and rules of their own organization and sponsors’ concerns of brand damage to pressure them to change their behavior.

When applying the concept today to those threatening violence I realized that the social media companies have a major part to play. One insight I had then was that I needed people on the left to understand that ensuring that there were negative consequences to the people using violent rhetoric on right wing media didn’t mean they were against free speech.

They didn’t have to “defend to the death” some radio host’s call to blow people’s brains out. When a sponsor took away ad money, they weren’t censoring them. They just were not financially supporting them. This worked, especially for the people who believed that “the marketplace,” can solve all problems.

I looked to financial methods as a route to negative consequence for radio hosts engaging in violent rhetoric because in America today, the most powerful lever is money. I had seen how other paths to change behavior had been gamed. But I also knew to use what people SAY they value matters. I asked advertisers to listen to what was being said and asked, ” Do you want to associated your brand with that violent rhetoric?” Companies didn’t want to taint their brand.

Then, when advertisers left, i went to the radio & TV management and pointed out that hosts spewing violent rhetoric was not PROFITABLE. “What you thought was an asset is actually a liability.”

The hosts that made less money with violent rhetoric didn’t get their contracts renewed. (Of course Fox News has adapted, but they still respond to the fear of losing big money, notice how none of the hosts talk about voting machines anymore!)

Right now threats of violence and harassment is successful for the right. It is also profitable for the social media companies that carry it. There are minor consequences for the individuals who get caught engaging in it and none for those who organize, fund and profit from it. This needs to change.

In parts two and three I’ll give examples of how we can create serious consequences for the perpetrators and organizers of harassment and threat campaigns.

Fortenberry, convicted liar and thin-skinned bully, resigns @spockosbrain

Nebraska Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry is a convicted liar who has now resigned. Good. But he has never been held accountable for abusing the power of his office to hunt down and threaten the jobs of people who criticized him with a joke.

You might remember his Chief of Staff made national news for threatening a state university professor for LIKING a Facebook post of a sign calling him Fartenberry.

But what most people don’t know is how Fortenberry abused the power of his office to hunt down the people who put googly eyes on that sign.

Fortenberry’s office got two Lincoln detectives assigned to lift fingerprints, get DNA samples and comb through cell phone calls like it was a murder case. Keep in mind this happened in a community with 1,000s of untested rape kits.

Later, when people put googly eyes and post it notes on the door of his office and the office of Sen. Deb Fischer, he again overreacted.

Screen Grab from CRIMEBUSTERS!

Fortenberry got the TV show CRIMEBUSTERS to ask the public to identify his critics!

Instead of laughing it off, Fortenberry and Sen Deb Fischer pursued a criminal case for property damages of one dollar!
Sen. Deb Fischer Wants to Put Constituent in Jail For Posting A Note On Her Door

Fortenberry eventually dropped out of that case, but his intimidating point was made. Sen. Fischer continued, and lost the case.

I’m telling this story because people need to understand how Fortenberry (and other RW authoritarians) usually respond when criticized. Their answer to criticism is to “hit back 10 times harder.” The very act of being challenged enrages them. Remember, they went after the jobs of the people who LIKED a Facebook post and who did something as silly as put googly eyes on a sign!

When Fortenberry resigned he went right into “I’m the real victim” mode posting a poem he saw on a wall of Mother Teresa’s children’s home in Calcutta. (Ex-Congressman please. Such a desperate virtue signal!) His next step will probably be the “cancel culture” rehabilitation tour.

But I want to remind people there were no consequences for when he and his office intimidated and threatened his critics. An ethics complaint was filed against his chief of staff, big whoop.

The right has taken the mob model of using intimidations and threats to get what they want ALL THE TIME. They use their mob lawyers in court and their MAGA mob on social media.

My point is that we can no longer expect the right wing to ever accept any legitimate defeat. We must alway prepare for them to flip the narrative to them being the victim. They will whine about how unfair it is which justifies their “extra legal” options.

This signals to their followers that those who hold them accountable need to be threatened more, so they don’t ever try again.

The story isn’t over after we win. It’s not over until we destroy their post-defeat narrative.

“They’re not haters. They’re people who are threatening to hurt and rape me for having a goddamn opinion.” – Blaire Erskine @spockosbrain

Comedian Blaire Erskine broke down in a video she posted on Tuesday night, decrying what she called “unhinged f*cking people” trolling her.

Erskine, who rose to fame in 2020 mocking Trump supporters and those opposed to wearing masks amid the coronavirus pandemic, recently called out comedian and activist Anthony Walker for soliciting donations so he could, as Erskine put it, “go to Ukraine to kill Russians, ‘to f*ck up Russians’” amid Russia’s military invasion of the Eastern European country.

Mediaite, by Jackson Richman Mar 9th, 2022,

I saw Blaire’s video online late at night and was moved by it. I’ve been writing about how the right uses online threats and intimidation for years. I downloaded it and added captions. Then she deleted her account. Today she restored it, not wanting her attackers to win.

I planned to write a piece about what happened, who benefits and profits from threats and harassments. I’d go into the legal situation & tech side. In short I’d go into the classic male Mr. Fixit mode with “Here is what you need to do!” Luckily I’ve been around enough great women who taught me to first shut up and listen.

So listen to what Blair said

Here is the text:
I’m really sorry to be even making this um because no one likes to see, fuckin. Like, the last thing anybody wants to see is a white woman crying on social media and and I get that.

The past several days, I’ve gotten a lot of messages from unhinged fucking people saying things like, “I’m going to regret, you know, making certain posts”, or that “something’s coming my way.” And that it’s a good thing I’m an attention whore cause I’m about to get a lot of attention.” Saying things like, “You’re going to rape me to teach me a lesson.”

All because I fucking made a few posts about a guy who I feel is using the word Ukraine as a way to grow his following. And I stand behind that, um, there’s a guy on Twitter, his name is Anthony Walker. And he is asking for donations, personal donations, so he can go to Ukraine, to tell Russians to fuck up Russians.

And that’s not how any of this is supposed to be working. There are legitimate organizations you can donate to. I care so much because my husband is from Ukraine and he has family over there, and it’s personal. And so I called out his behavior. And I asked for a response, which he hasn’t given.

And I’m just I imagine that he’s that there’s a group with all of these people who were doing sending me these messages in a targeted way. I don’t even think I’m making any sense right now. But they’re scary messages.

And I have reached out to Twitter, and I’ve reached out to Instagram. And each time I’m told that none of the things that really scary things, these people are saying violate you know, policies, and it’s fucked up. It’s fucked up.

People should not be allowed to threaten someone’s, you know, life, you know, threaten someone with rape threaten someone with in any sort of way. And it’s crazy, but nothing warranted it.

And I’m just fucking pissed off that women like, just like cannot be safe anywhere. And this is so stupid. Like, I’m a very privileged white lady online, who’s been incredibly lucky. And, you know, I should not be fucking complaining. It’s just like, fucking I’m fucking pissed.

And I just wanted to make this to say that if a woman is online, and she’s complaining about men and women who are harassing her and saying really scary fucking things, do not tell her to ignore them, help her! Report those people!

Like never tell a women to be quiet about someone who is harassing her. It does not help. It doesn’t help. It doesn’t do anything. Those people should be called out and humiliated.

And it’s fucked up that anybody’s first response would be, “Oh, just ignore the haters.” They’re not haters. They’re people who are threatening to hurt and rape me for having a goddamn opinion.

And if you work for Instagram, or Facebook or Twitter, whatever the fuck like, do something! Because this is like, I’m lucky to have a platform to help me out but other women do not. This is just a fucked up situation. Happy International Women’s Day.

What Can Be Done?

Blaire has returned. In her video she explains why it shouldn’t be her that leaves, but them. She reads some threats to prove they are real. Then she talks about how Twitter and her lawyers are trying to deal with it.

It’s a good thing I didn’t launch into Mr. Fixit mode, she’s already on it!

For those who are in a similar situation or being harassed online, I recommend these resources.

  1. Crash Override is a crisis helpline, advocacy group and resource center for people who are experiencing online abuse. We are a network of experts and survivors who work directly with victims, tech companies, lawmakers, media, security experts, and law enforcement to educate and provide direct assistance working to eliminate the causes of online abuse.
  2. A Guide to Protecting Yourself From Online Harassment
  3. Cyber Civil Rights Initiative FAQ for victim CCRI Safety Center
  4. HeartMob, a community dedicated to helping those experiencing online harassment

For this blog, focusing on politics and the media, next time I’ll address how the media regularly put themselves in the position of defending the people making threats and not the person being attacked. I believe that the media’s attitudes about speech, and how they cover online bullies in politics, has not led to helping the victims, but excusing the perpetrators.

I hope that Blaire’s star continues to rise and that the unrepentant, intentional bullies pay a price for their actions.

Stop letting Republicans weasel out of targeting politicians for death @spockosbrain

It’s time to bust these lying weasels for their treasonous acts & reckless endangerment of politicians’ lives.

Boebert’s tweet about Speaker Pelosi had the same energy

Rep. Lauren Boebert tweeted that Nancy Pelosi had left the House Chambers which let the insurrectionists know when she was there.

This weekend Senators Rubio, Daines and Grassley all tweeted out info about where a politician was at a specific time to people who wanted to kill them. It reminded me of Lauren Boebert’s tweet about Pelosi during the January 6th insurrection.

Once again we see Republicans giving out location information of a politician to people who want to kill them.

This SHOULD be an opportunity for Democrats to nail these three senators and Rep. Boebert’s for their reckless endangerment and, in the case of Boebert, her treasonous behavior.

When this first happened I tweeted about it, then predicted the GOP lies and how they would spin it to the MSM. (I could show you the timestamp to prove that I got it right but that’s not a big deal.) But what I want to do now is go further into what the 3 GOPs said & how the media could respond and how Democratic activists could use the words & actions of these Republicans to nail them.

First I wanted to show how the MSM accepted Rubio’s comments at face value. You can see how George Stephanopoulos accepted Rubio’s excuses in the clip above. (Clip from a Crooks and Liar’s story by Aliza Worthington.)

Tonight I’m hoping that the MSNBC shows will ask their experts about this. But they will just explain what happened, not tell us what we can to do about it.

I also wanted to point out that this is a pattern of the Republicans and that the Democrats should use this pattern of behavior to hammer the Republicans with. So I tweeted this to the hosts of the Majority Report.

Sam and Emma did a great segment on the Majority Report and hit most of the main points I wanted to make about Rubio’s BS excuse that there was no security threat. Sam also noted that Democrats should use this clip to nail Rubio and the others, because you just know the Republicans would.

It’s cued up for you. The segment on Rubio tweeting during the Zoom call starts at 1:53:54

I don’t know if it is because I’m a regularly viewer of the show, or if it’s because I shared a taxi with Sam at Yearly Kos in 2008, but watching this felt like seeing the contents of a mind meld.

These days when I think I have an important point to make I ask. “So what? I noticed a pattern of terrible behavior by right wing nut jobs, so has everyone else with a brain. What am I gonna do about it?” That’s why I’ll point out how the GOP works the media refs and suggest what they could do instead. If some of media get it right, I suggest we amplify that. But also want to acknowledge that we all sometimes fall into learned helplessness.

One of the reasons that people on the left loved the Lincoln Project was because it took advantage of opportunities to nail the Republicans for their horrific comments and behaviors. Did those ads help move swing voters? Who knows? But it made people on the LEFT feel like someone was DOING something RIGHT NOW. They didn’t have to wait months for the Mueller report to come out or over a year for the DOJ to act.

How To Bust Lying Weasels

How the MSM helped Rubio get away with his excuse
Stephanopoulos gave Rubio the benefit of the doubt and accepted his answers. He wanted him to come back on the show again.

How the MSM could have busted Rubio
A producer could have fact checked Rubio with a timeline.

“According to Rep. Dean Phillips, the Ukrainian Ambassador expressly asked people not to share anything on social media during the meeting to protect the security of Zelensky.”

If Rubio wasn’t lying about when she asked and when he tweeted, Stephanopoulos could then nail him on his second excuse about it not being a “security threat.” That would be a good time to quote experts about how professional assassins find a location based on time and network traffic.

As people have pointed out to me, the MSM doesn’t really like to bust these politicians, and as I point out, it’s not as easy as people think. The politicians are trained to evade and change the trajectory of the narrative. Also, while it would be great TV, it would only happen once. That politician wouldn’t be coming back.

Now I like MSNBC, but even they fall into explaining how the GOP will get away with their mendacious, criminal behavior. They don’t feel it is their job to say, “The Republicans will try to weasel out of punishment, however if the Democrats take these steps they could nail them!” For example:

How the Senate experts might help the Rubio, Daines and Grassley get away with their excuse
Lawrence O’Donnell might have someone from the Senate Intelligence Committee on to talk about what a terrible thing the three GOP members did. He’ll ask what can be done. Maybe an ethics complaint will be filed! But nothing seriously will happen to any of them because that’s just not done!

How the Senate experts on MSNBC could help bust Rubio
On O’Donnell’s show they talk about Senate traditions, which often seem to me to be, “Assume the best of your colleagues, unless they break the law AND you can PROVE they had malicious intent.”

Knowing Republicans on Intelligence Committees regularly break the law, but evidence of intent is needed to bust them in congress, some Democrat could have prepared for their behavior and used it to obtain evidence of their intent. (Like they should have done when Devin Nunes ran to Trump with secret intel info.)

For example. The committee sends a note to Rubio and others to remind them of the Committee Rules In General and how exposing Zelenskyy’s location would put him in danger of assassination. When Rublio, Daines or others replied with “Thanks for the info but I’ll do what I want!” in an email, that can be used as proof of their foreknowledge of the risk and possibly their intent.

Don’t let all three Senators off the hook with the same lame excuses
I read how Daines’ staff tried to flip the narrative and attack the people pointing out what they did was bad. Notice their excuses and how they moved to change the subject. (NBC story link)

Daines’s office said the senator shared the photo on Twitter before the request to not post images was made and similarly accused those pushing back against the post of seeking attention.

“This was a well reported call with over 250 people joining, and it was not a secure or classified briefing. The photo was shared before it was requested not to and well into the call, and it had no identifying information. We should be focusing on what’s important here and that’s supporting Ukraine. The only reason why anyone wants to make this an issue is partisan clickbait,” Daines’s spokesperson said.

Two GOP senators share photos of Zelenskyy during call after lawmakers asked not to by Ukraine, March 5th NBC by Haley Talbot, Julie Tsirkin and Nicole Acevedo

How exhausted Democrats help Rubio get away without consequences
I realized that many people continue to accept the GOP’s behavior with the line, “It was stupid, but not illegal.”
Or they buy into the excuses given about why nothing will be done–like this person who replied to me on Twitter.

I get it. It’s exhausting trying to bust these people, especially when you don’t feel you have a platform or any power. But we have to keep at it. And now is the perfect time! The Russian bots are defunded and are temporarily focused elsewhere in social media!

How To Destroy Rubio For His Actions

Here’s what coordinated response to use Rubio’s actions to destroy him would look like.

Set up the media with a story

If the MSM wanted to nail Rubio they could, but they won’t (I explain why below) but nailing a right winger requires more than exposing the truth. You need to have a media strategy that moves UP to the MSM, not start there.

Prepare and think like a prosecutor
“How will the subject answer the question? What defense will they use? How can I blow a hole in their argument?”

Plan ahead
“How can we use those comments to drag them down in perceptions among voters?” Short videos? Memes?

Think like a product marketer
“How do I show buyers my product is good and their product is bad?

Act like a cut throat finance person
“How do I destroy their revenue stream? What upsets their shareholders? How do I put them out of business?”

If Democrats really wanted to nail a Republican politician about a comment or action they would need to do their homework on that politician’s past, preemptively cut off their possible avenue of response, provide examples of previous times they said something that was wrong, AND provide evidence that showed a malicious intent.

They would build a narrative for the media, demand congressional investigations, point out the laws broken to the DOJ, get the military and intelligence community to condemn the act and explain the reality of the security threat, engage the activist base with a social media campaign and get Democratic politicians to pile on with new revelation of the malicious intent of their actions.

Or we can just let them weasel out of it.

Missouri’s AG Spreads Deadly Misinfo On Masks In Schools @spockosbrain

Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt went on TV and said masks don’t work for kids. He’s spreading dangerous and deadly misinformation.

I don’t believe in the forced masking of 5-year olds. There’s no science behind it. There’s nothing to support it. Families are best to make these decisions, and that’s why we’re fighting so hard on this front. Where we’re at now, I mean the flu is much more dangerous for the 5-year old than COVID is. Those are just facts.

The problem is it’s not based on facts and science. There’s just no, there’s no study that shows any measurable protection for kids wearing masks. In fact, the good news is, um, you know, uh COVID isn’t.. you know It’s hard for kids to contract, transmit, or get seriously ill from COVID. That’s the good thing. Not all viruses are the same.

Eric Schmitt, Attorney General of Missouri, December 12, 2021
AG Schmitt spread misinformation on masks Dec 12, 2021. He needs to be called out by medical professionals and told to stop spreading misinformation.

Someone needs to correct him and ensure there are consequences if he refuses. I don’t know why @AGEricSchmitt is pushing this misinformation. But people should know he’s running for Senator. Schmitt replaced the previous AG from Missouri who ran for Senator and won, Josh Hawley.

I contacted the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to see if they contacted the AG to correct him and provide him with studies on the effectiveness of masks. (I haven’t heard back from @HealthyLivingMo, but when I say I write for HullabalooCrooks & Liars and Spocko’s Brain I don’t get a lot of return calls…)

He needs to be called out and told to stop spreading misinformation. Who will do that? Missouri public health professionals? National public health professionals?
(I’d love for @AliNouriPhD or @DrEricDing to correct Schmitt on COVID’s spread and masks. Especially after my tweet of a video showing the spread of COVID-19 in the air got 3.5 MILLION views. )
Source: Dr. Makoto Tsubokura, RIKEN Center for Computational Science

When I investigated state laws about violations of COVID emergency orders, I found multiple public health laws that the Trump campaign broke at their rallies. I also found state and federal laws about intentionally spreading misinformation. I haven’t dug into Missouri’s laws but Schmitt’s misinformation is endangering the public. If I found a Missouri law he violated I’d still need to get someone to charge him. Who? Perhaps he’s broken Federal laws on misinformation, specifically around the CARES act.

But finding a law that he broke, and charging him isn’t going to be enough to stop him. Misinformations has to been stopped on multiple levels. Social media, right wing media and mainstream media. Interestingly, I uploaded the clip of Schmitt with his exact quote as the headline to YouTube for this piece. YouTube removed it for violating its COVID medical misinformation policy!

Did YouTube catch and remove this misinformation in Schmitt’s 12/12/2021 appearance on This Week in Missouri Politics? Did the host, Scott Faughn, challenge it? Did it go back up? Did the @scottfaughn include disclaimers about the AG’s comment after the fact? Doubtful, especially since he appeared to agree with the misinformation.

I’m glad that YouTube caught this, but there needs to be active processes and humans in the media & social media stopping the spread of misinformation. And there needs to be consequences for its deliberate spread.

I called into the Majority Report Thursday to talk about this. They had on John Nichols discussing his new book. Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers: Accountability for Those Who Caused the Crisis 

Get it at Book Passage, or your local bookstore

I strongly agree with one of Nichol’s main points, we have to hold to account people who made decisions and told lies that cost lives that did not need to be lost. He rejects the claims of “the apologists and revisionists who would have us believe that the pandemic was the healthcare equivalent of a ‘natural disaster’ that would have gone badly no matter who was in charge. “

We need people to actively stop politicians from spreading misinformation & prosecute those telling lies.

Missouri Schools Are A Hot COVID Mess

I’m not going to totally wade into the Schmitt, school mask mandates and the spread of COVID story. I suggest you read Tony Messenger’s great column about Schmitt suing schools for mask mandates while Missouri’s COVID is at record levels. But you should know:

  1. 11 Missouri hospitals are so stressed the Governor begged for help from the Federal government, Congresswoman Cory Bush lobbied for relief and Biden sent Navy medical personnel to help, but only one hospital got help.
  2. In December a Missouri state judge stripped local health departments’ ability to impose COVID-19 orders while cases were spiking in the state. It was so bad that,
  3. 62 schools closed because of sick teachers in January and then,
  4. AG Schmitt sued 36 schools for enforcing mask mandates.

Here’s the deal, Schmitt used his position as AG to enforce the law that mask mandates are no longer in effect. That was appropriate for his position but spreading medical misinformation is not.

Schmitt is not “staying in his lane” enforcing the law, he’s driving his incorrect views headlong into oncoming science and public health traffic. And people in Missouri are dying. As the editorial board of the St. Louis Post Dispatch put it, “Schmitt is doing everything he can to worsen their plight while endangering lives — all for the sake of a Senate seat.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is lying when he claims there is no study that shows masks protects kids. There are & they do. Here’s one. University of Michigan study shows mask mandates at schools show lower COVID transmission rates

203% increase in COVID cases for kids 5-19! Wow!
Source Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services 1/26/2022

Some parents fed a steady diet of misinformation are against mask mandates. Attorney General Eric Schmitt sought those parents out and used them to go on the attack against masks. Why? He’s running for Senator and wants the Trump base. He wants the kind of people who will threaten school boards with violence. Like this Virgina woman.
(Hypothetical: If parents rioted against a school board in Missouri, could Schmitt be charged for incitement? )

As Digby points out going to school boards is one of the rights’ favorite strategies and they do it ALL THE TIME. Schmitt’s views about “letting the parents decide” are in line with Gov. Glenn Youngkin executive order delegating to parents the decision on whether children wear masks at school. It’s bad enough when some parents are misinformed by right wing media, but when the misinformation comes from a high-level state official with police power, like the Attorney General, it’s worse.

As I said on the Majority Report. There’s no team of pro-science, pro-vaccine, pro-mask professionals out there arguing with those spreading information and who want to ignore reality so things will “go back to normal.” The public health people aren’t doing it. They aren’t trained to debate misinformers, wrestle them to the ground until they stop their lies. They get death threats just for telling people what needs to be done to save lives!

The press aren’t pushing back hard on misinformation either. As Eric Boehlert said in his brilliant newsletter Press Run.

…the press is turning away from the pandemic story — tens of millions of Americans who have been fed a mountain of vaccine lies refuse to get inoculated, thereby sacrificing themselves on the altar of right-wing misinformation.

3 Covid stories the press is getting wrong right now, Press Run, Eric Boehlert

I could say that Schmitt’s misinformation is part of a larger problem, and it is, But is also a very specific problem with a specific solution.

Attorney General Eric Schmitt, left and Department of Health and Senior Services Director Donald Kauerauf, right. (Photos courtesy of Missouri Attorney General’s Office and Missouri Governor’s Office)

Don Kauerauf, the director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, needs to correct Schmitt’s misinformed comments and convince him to stop making them.

If Schmitt refuses, this needs to be a national story, with negative consequences for Schmitt. I’ve sent this clip to cable news producers, but it’s not “news” unless someone in authority calls him out, demands he stop & holds him accountable for spreading deadly misinformation. If nothing happens it will be another case of lies that will cost lives that did not need to be lost.

What can we do about guns in stores? Sue the stores. @spockosbrain

After dropping a gun at TJ Maxx, a customer shoots herself in the foot.
#GunFail #ShootingWhileShopping

OPELIKA, Alabama. — A shopper at a TJ Maxx in east Alabama shot herself in the foot when her gun accidentally discharged, police said.

The gunfire happened when she dropped the gun Monday afternoon in the TJ Maxx at the Tiger Town shopping center in Opelika, The Opelika-Auburn News reported.

The 55-year-old woman was taken to a hospital. No other injuries were reported.

AP Via Fox 13,
In Texas you need TWO signs. One to ban concealed guns one to ban open carry.

According to the story, only the woman was injured. If I was in the store when this happened, even if I wasn’t physically injured, I would sue. And I would win because TJ Maxx failed to take the simple step of putting up a sign saying no guns in the store. Here’s my logic:

The store has a duty of care to shoppers. By allowing people with guns to enter as customers, they are taking on a certain level of responsibility to protect them. If they fail, and someone is injured while in the store, the company can be held liable. How liable they are depends on the steps they did or, or didn’t take, to keep customers safe.

The Sign that saved millions of dollars in Slip and Fall lawsuits.

In Premises Security law if a store had the option to do something reasonable to protect customers from injury–like put up a sign saying, “CAUTION WET FLOOR” or “CONCEALED HANDGUN PROHIBITED” but didn’t, and someone is injured, the company takes on a greater percentage of the responsibility for the injury to person who is hurt. And that translates to more financial compensation.

A judge could look at this case and say, “This is 80% the woman’s fault and 20% the store’s.” The woman doesn’t have to carry insurance, and likely has none, but TJ Maxx has to carry insurance. It’s typically $5 million for each store.

What people don’t know is that accidental gun discharges happen all the time and many are in retail stores. From the CENG article on this “Since January 1, 2021, 45 people have been injured in Alabama’s as a result of an accident discharge of a firearm, According to the Gun Violence Archive, 9 were women.”

Accidental shooting at DeSoto Walmart caused by unlicensed gun owner

DESOTO, Texas – A shopper at a Walmart store in the Dallas suburb of DeSoto was hit by accidental gunfire. It happened around 6 p.m. Tuesday at the superstore on Belt Line Road.

DeSoto police said another shopper who was carrying a concealed handgun was to blame. It appears to have been an “accidental discharged.” 

The victim was hit by shrapnel and is expected to be okay. The man who fired the gun did not have a license to carry, police confirmed.

He was gone by the time police arrived but police said they know who he is and may file charges.

FOX 4, KDFW May 19, 2021

In fact, Walmart has a special insurance/ legal team that settles cases where people were injured by negligently discharged guns. Walmart keeps a lid on the size and number of the cash settlements following in-store incidents. The settlements are mostly sealed. The media aren’t going to do follow ups. By the way, the injuries don’t have to be only physical. PTSD is a real thing. There is also the option to sue for endangerment.

Bring the personal injury lawyers who sue for slip and fall accidents in stores to sue for accidental gun discharges. The stores need to pay a price for their decision to allow poorly trained and inexperienced concealed gun carriers in their stores.

I want to see big settlements in the news because it tells other people they can sue too. And according to my highly-places sources in the insurance industry, lots of big settlements lead to policy changes and enforcement of policies at the store level.

S.C. woman gets $10 million in Walmart lawsuit after stepping on rusty nail, losing most of leg (Nov. 30, 2021 WMBF/Gray News)

BTW, nowhere in any of the stories I read was it mentioned if she had a concealed carry license. Concealed carry in Alabama requires a license. Open Carry doesn’t and is legal in Alabama. (Giffords Link on Alabama law) If she didn’t have a CCL she would be charged, that increases HER liability, but as I noted, she doesn’t have to carry insurance. However if she has a CCL, and the store permits concealed guns in the store, then the lawyer suing the company can say.

This is not about criminals ignoring signs. If TJ Maxx had banned guns in the store by putting up signs, the law-abiding concealed carrier would have left her gun in the car and my client never would have been injured.”

If you want to more detail about this issue, and how it can be used by customers and lawyers, applied to corporation to insurance policies, read my 2016 letter to Alex Gourlay the EVP of the Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.

When you allow a few customers to carry concealed guns into your stores you are trusting them with the lives of your employees, all the other customers and their children.

You may not know just how poorly trained and inexperienced some concealed gun carriers are. In 25 states people aren’t even required to show they know how to shoot a gun to get a permit. In eight states, no permit or training is required at all to carry a concealed gun.  

Three reasons why customers shouldn’t carry guns in stores: accidents, escalation and liability

It’s Happy Hollandaise time here at Hullabaloo. If you would like to support this site to keep the lights on for another year, you can do so through the buttons below. Thank you so much. I am very grateful. cheers — digby

What are the Trump admin’s COVID crimes? How do we start the drum beat to indicting them? @spockosbrain

I’m a fan of the Sister’s in Law podcast, so I sent them a few questions via tweet. Some are based on the report of the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. Since I’m a long-winded Vulcan I provided the background to my questions below.

Meadows or others in the Trump campaign obstructed, delayed and possibly falsified COVID test reporting. They started at the Tulsa rally and did it later during Trump’s infection period. (Based on the reporting of Carol Leonnig’ & Jonathan Karl)

1) Could you address how medical privacy laws have been used to hide the Trump admin’s violations of state & federal COVID test reporting laws?

Because of medical privacy laws, the media can’t see or prove how Trump, Meadows and/or campaign staff intimidated public health officials and what their response was.

Your show often drills down and focuses on specific laws broken and what cases a prosecutor will or will not bring.  Jill Wine-Banks discussed how it’s important for the American people to know what is being uncovered so we can fully comprehend it. 

The press can’t get those communications between Meadows Meadows, doctors and the health department.  But the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis can get those communications and show them to the public. But that will not be enough. They public needs to know what laws were broken and if anyone will be charged.

2) What violations of laws should Rep. Clyburn address during the Coronavirus committee hearings? 

On the 1/6 committee Liz Cheney has been using the “language of the law” to talk about what they are looking to charge Trump with. Could the Coronavirus committee use the same method to show the public?

Example: Mark Meadows or someone in the Campaign Leadership told the contract nurses & physician assistants from the White House Medical Unit in Tulsa to STOP THE TESTING.

Is that witness tampering? Is that obstructing a government official from completing their duties?

Allowing people to die of COVID was a policy choice of Donald Trump.
What were the crimes committed within that policy?

Elie Mystal spoke to Mehdi Hasan about how Trump and the GOP have turned allowing people to die into a policy choice. I think that allowing is the wrong word. There will be hard evidence of Trump and his campaign staff intentionally broke laws that led directly to people getting sick and dying. The evidence needs to be uncovered, the public needs to see it, and the law breakers need to be indicted.

Over 806,593 people have died from COVID. But in America the “economy” is “balanced” against the dead.

Are there federal laws about intentionally transporting people with a deadly virus across state lines?
What about a failure to alert the state health authority about a mass gathering where infected people will be attending? (This is relevant during Trump’s Infection Tour.)

The policies of the Trump COVID response, and how Trump & his campaign staff spread COVID across the country impacted interstate commerce.

The bottom line is that in addition to executive privilege, medical privacy laws enabled the Trump team to hide the number of infected –who then infected others, damaging the economy.

3) Is willful infecting 100’s of Secret Service agents a federal crime?
 Is covering it up a crime?

In Carol Leonnig’s book Zero Fail she reported how the Secret Service Agents and campaign staff were told to delay their testing for 3 days and to get tested in another state after the Tulsa Rally.
(This violates both Oklahoma Laws & Federal law on COVID test reporting. Failing to deliver results within 24 hours violates the CARES Act, Oklahoma law says positive tests must be reported immediately to the State Health Dept)

The Secret Service agents asked a Trump Appointed IG to investigate, he refused. 

4) What other major laws were broken by Trump & his admin in their response to the COVID pandemic?
How do we talk about why there should be prosecution for them?

When I wrote about prosecuting Trump in this piece last week, Trump Can Go To Hell. Why Not Jail? I heard, “Trump will never be prosecuted for ANYTHING!”

The public has already seen the crimes in real time and the committees are providing the evidence now. The response I saw is, “We aren’t surprised. We all saw it happening.” and “Nothing will ever happen to them. They will all avoid accountability.” 

5) Could you talk about what evidence and types of public testimony are needed to make it clear the horrific nature of their crimes and their knowledge of their intentions?

This needs to be shown, beyond the horrible things they have already said in public. Show the “receipts”
Hear from the families of the victims! Jill talked about why the public needs to see this, since the DOJ can’t show what they are doing.

I suggest that someone read aloud their callous texts that were not a “differences of opinion” but acts undertaken that were done willful and with malice aforethought that directly lead to sickness and death.

Also could you discuss
6) The fear of prosecuting people in the Trump administration for any crimes related to their COVID response?

We have an AG that is afraid that just following the law makes the DOJ look political.
If the intentional actions that led to people dying is a crime, is it important to prosecute? Or should we do as other Democratic administrations have done and just, “Look forward and not backward?”

7) How do we start the drum beat for prosecutions for the Trump admin’s COVID crimes?
And that leads to my final question for the Sister’s in Law.

8) What are some of the ways that Joyce’s “radical transparency” for the DOJ could apply to the large scale, intentional crimes made by people that have led to mass death from COVID? 


Happy Hollandaise!

Trump Can Go To Hell. Why Not Jail? @spockosbrain

Yesterday Mehdi Hasan raised the question. “Why aren’t we holding Trump legally accountable for COVID deaths.”

When I saw this segment I was excited because I’ve been working on this and wrote about it recently at Crooks & Liars.

Elie suggested that the Catholics created hell to punish people like Trump, but our legal system has a problem with prosecuting politicians for their policies.
I’m a big fan of Elie and I want to talk with him about this and all the reasons why it’s hard to do. Then, as an activist, I’ll ask.

Okay Elie, what CAN WE DO to hold them legally accountable for all this sickness and death?”

For the last 18 months I’ve been trying to figure out ways to hold Trump and his administration accountable here on Earth for the infections and deaths directly related to their actions & non-actions spreading COVID with their rallies.

We have proof the rallies led to large scale infections and deaths. The media has reported on this in their news coverage and books. But what the public, and the media CAN’T uncover is the hard evidence that the Trump admin intentionally violated public health laws. Not just the violations we can see, like not wearing masks or social distancing, but violations we can’t see because of medical privacy laws, of people breaking state and federal laws around COVID test reporting.

Test reporting has become a big deal because of Meadow’s book talking about Trump’s COVID testing timeline, but what the press & public can’t get is the actual timeline of Trump’s tests, who did the testing, what type of test, EXACTLY when they were taken and where the results were sent.

Trump has been using privacy and executive privilege to hide hard evidence of their law breaking, their awareness of what they were doing and their INTENT. As I said earlier here at Hullabaloo, there is a group that can get this, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. @COVIDOversight It’s chaired by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. @WhipClyburn

One of the things I’ve discovered is that when anyone goes after Trump & his followers for their law breaking–or a coup attempt–they respond with, “What are you going to do about it?” Then they turn the tables to sue and threaten people who DO attempt to do something about it.

As Elie points out, there are many problems with holding Trump and his people legally accountable for their actions & inactions around the COVID pandemic. (I was thinking of fun headlines for this piece like, “God Damns Trump. So Why Can’t We Indict him?” “Trump’s Policy of Killing People Is A Winning Electoral Strategy!”

I’m always thinking about how to hold people accountable for their behavior that harms others. During the first days of the pandemic I wrote about the need to enforce public health laws. Let’s Track The COVIDIOT Protesters

People protesting against public health orders to stay at home in Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan on April 15, 2020. Composite by Spocko Original Photo: Jeff Kowalsky /Getty Images

I said police shouldn’t be jailing people during the pandemic, but they could give people citations for not wearing masks, so they could trace their movements. But they didn’t. Cops Didn’t Enforce Law On Anti-lockdown Protesters, COVID-19 Spread

Michigan State Police First Lt. Darren Green, the state security operation commander for the Capitol, telling protesters the police will not be enforcing the social distancing orders. Credit: Michigan Live

When I talked to public health officials and experts on privacy & contact tracing early in the pandemic I was told that involving the police on public health violation enforcement is a mistake. It would stop people from cooperating with contact tracing for fear the data would be used by the police for other reasons. I understood this and agreed at the time. But things haven’t gone as expected.

The right wing turned requests to wear a mask into a political identity issue. If they were required to wear a mask they often freaked out, which we saw on multiple videos. Some were arrested for trespassing, but not for violating public health laws. Some, when they coughed on produce or on a person, were arrested for assault. This is important thing to know, because in our country assault still demands serious criminal legal accountability.

One of the ways Trump and his admin avoid accountability is through threats and intimidation. As we saw with Ruby Freeman, the threats come from the top and are enacted by followers nationwide. The Reuter’s series on election worker threats showed the severity of the threats. People were outraged. Why didn’t the police make arrests? In many cases they didn’t even follow up on death threats. And as we have learned, when people make threats and there are no consequences to them, they keep doing it.

That means when it comes to busting Trump, his administration and others for their COVID actions, look for their threats of violence & intimidation of others and then use those threats to increase their penalties.

Did Mark Meadows, Brad Parscale and Tony Orenato threatened doctors, contract nurses and the White House Medical Unit staff to not report people in Tulsa with positive COVID tests? How was Trump’s furiousness about the positive tests in Tulsa translated into threats?

Or as Liz Cheney might put it,

“Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede a government agency or official from performing their duties? “

How The Trump Admin Legally Hid Their Crimes

The Trump admin used medical privacy as a perfect way to hide what they were doing. Elie talks about “piercing the veil” of Trump’s & the GOP’s policy choice to allow people to die. If we could see all the documents & records around Trump’s rallies, we could learn of their violations and their intent. And if they used threats and intimidation of government officials to get their way, that would increases their penalties.

So what can we do? Find the people who SHOULD care about violation of public health laws and have the authority to look at the confidential information.

I hear, “Well we need a prosecutor who will take this on, who will be the first?”
Why not the Oklahoma AG? Doesn’t he care about the dead in Oklahoma? He should, someone should ask him. But maybe the Governor of Oklahoma doesn’t want an investigation, since he encouraged the Tulsa rally. Then who?

I hear, “Look to the Federal government to investigate & charge. But both Glenn Kirschner and Elie talk about the problems with getting the United States Attorney General to take this on. Then what do we do? Where do we go next?

“And we do not have an attorney general that`s willing to hold the former President accountable. … So, until we get a prosecutor who is willing to go to the mattresses against this man, he’s going to continue to walk away free.”

Elie Mystal on All In 12/13/2021

Who can bring the legal case against Trump?

There are federal agencies & officials that are supposed to oversee these violations. For example, the Department of Homeland Security, that oversees the Secret Service, could investigate. In fact, the Secret Service agents ASKED for the Inspector General to investigate, but he’s a Trump appointee and he refused. So who is next to help the Secret Service? Rep. Bennie Thompson. He is the chair of the DHS Oversight Committee. But he’s busy, so who is next?

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
They have the authority to investigate and subpoena power. In fact, they’ve already asked for the data on this topic from the Trump White House on June 22, 2021 when Trump said to “Slow down the testing.” Here is their letter asking for documents

As Coronavirus Infections Surge, Select Subcommittee Seeks Information On Possible White House Efforts To Suppress Testing

PDF of whole letter, including requests for information from Mark Meadows here.

Of course the Trump White House didn’t deliver, so they asked the Biden White House in February of 2021.

Clyburn Renews Inquiry into Previous Administration’s Disastrous Pandemic Response, Seeks to Identify and Address Failures The good news is that they might already have the documents they need. PDF of letter to Ron Klain

So when the January 6th Committee wins the fight for testimony from Meadows & other high level Trump staffers, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis can interview them, under oath.

Justice On Earth Vs. Punishment In Hell

The media can ask the question about holding Trump legally accountable for the COVID illness and deaths, but they don’t see it is their job to build a case to prosecute Trump.

The legal pundits and experts can talk about the problems with making it happen, but it’s not their job to find a way to hold him legally accountable.

Multiple people can and should be held legally accountable for their COVID crimes, not just Trump. There are multiple methods to get them with criminal and civil charges. Stop with the defeatism! Pick a path. Work the problem. Expect the obstacles. Prepare for their delays. Use their threats against them. Find allies who can do the work. Enlist the people who care.

I want to remind people how the Trump campaign’s actions led to mass death. Thousands of people in Oklahoma got sick and died because they got infected from people at that campaign rally. But we only hear of Herman Cain. He shouldn’t be the face of the deaths that happened because of that rally, it should be people like Dr. Yee Se Choa Ong, a cardiologist, (Who died from COVID-19 12/21/2020 in San Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.)

We can’t wait for Trump and his enablers to go to hell to be punished. We need to act now.