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What will Trump do now that Obama mocked his manhood?

In 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. In 2023 Trump posted Obama’s address & a Jan6er, Taylor Taranto, went there to kill him. What will Trump do now that Obama mocked his manhood?

On Friday Marcy Wheeler, @emptywheel, & Nicole Sandler talked how the Obama’s humiliated Trump & how he is responding following their speeches at the DNC.

Based on his calls into Fox & Newsmax after the end of Harris’ speech, it’s really getting under his skin. I’m loving it, but then again I’m a huge fan of the late night comedy hosts doing bits on Trump.

I also know that thatTrump really, really hates to be laughed at. When it happens to him his response is to say, “People are laughing at America!” (Hmm, I wonder what he said before he was President & associated himself with the country?)

Trump got back at people who laughed at him in 2011 with the classic, “I’ll show them!” and became President. But that wasn’t enough for him. He also did the rich person bully thing and sued people who challenged him.

What do bullies do to stop people from laughing at them?.They threaten to kill them. OR they have their henchmen threaten to kill them. There’s a reason he brings up Al Capone.

Robert De Niro as Al Capone holding a bat in the scene from the movie Untouchables right after this scene he hits and kills one of the people that he considers disloyal. Loyalty is one of Trump’s big issues and when people aren’t loyal he calls them out on social media for his followers to attack them.
Trump holding a bat like Al Capone in a photo next to Manhattan DAAlvin Bragg

Trump will want to get retribution against the people who laughed at him. It’s what he does.

Marcy reminds people of Taylor Taranto, a Jan 6er who went to Obama’s DC neighborhood in July 2023 after Trump posted Obama’s address on Truth Social. (NBC reporter Ryan Reilly said that he still can’t believe the whole Taylor Taranto story (link to his Twitter thread. )

Prosecutors say man went to Obama’s DC neighborhood after Trump posted what he claimed was the Obamas’ address CNN July 7, 2023

Taylor Taranto entering the Capitol on Jan 6th
Taylor Taranto with the gun in his car when he went to Obama’s Neighborhood.

He really wants people to fear and respect him. Like they do Kim Jung Un.

To make it personal, he tells his followers, they are laughing at you, not me!

As Marcy says later in the show, Trump will be pushing for political violence, but the media doesn’t feel it is their job to tell people how to respond to the threats. They just report it. The problem with that is that coverage only happens when the people getting threats tell the media. The media need to hear of the scale and scope of the threats so it registers. Like when the New York Court system Judicial Public Safety team briefed the media about all the threats Judge Engoron’s clerk got. Here is Lisa Rubin talking about the threats to Chris Hayes who FINALLY GOT IT.

Right now the owner of one of the big social media sites encourages threats of violence. That’s a problem. If Musk isn’t going to enforce his own TOS, we need to start reporting the people violating them to the entities that can take action. Like the FBI.

Here is the link to report people making threats.

Now this is the part of the post where I get mentally tired. I hear, “What’s the point? They won’t do anything about Trump. True. BUT, they ARE investigating threats from MAGA people to our elected representatives, election officials & workers. But they need to know about them.

Taylor Taranto’s threats came on Truth Social. The management at Truth Social cooperated with Law Enforcement to provide his information. This is a part of ALL social media Terms of Service. They SHOULD be removing the threats, but if they don’t, they STILL have to respond to a warrant from Law Enforcement. When we report violations to the social media sites, we also need to alert law enforcement.

I’ll do a post later about the men serving YEARS in prison for threatening election officials in Arizona. The DOJ sucks at PR so we need to tell people how to report & show them that not everyone gets away with the crimes, like Trump. NOTE: Taranto is currently in prison for threatening Obama and is awaiting trial.

Taylor Taranto with cardboard cut out of Trump. Taranto is currently in prison for threatening Obama.

Cross posted to Spocko’s Brain

One Big Grift

If you want to get ahead in Republican politics you’ve got to grease Dear Leader’s palms:

Late last year, former President Donald Trump announced his endorsement of car dealership owner Bernie Moreno for Ohio’s Senate seat – elevating an untested candidate who’d never held public office over several other more prominent Republicans.

Two days later, Moreno’s campaign spent about $17,000 at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and then followed up by spending an additional $79,000 the next month – making him one of the Florida club’s top political spenders.

He wasn’t alone. With glitzy Mar-a-Lago fundraisers, stays at Trump’s hotels, and flights on the former president’s private jet, Republican candidates and political groups are on track to spend more on Trump’s businesses this year than any year since 2016, according to a CNN analysis of federal campaign finance data.

Trump himself has been the biggest spender, both this year and over the last decade. Between his three presidential campaigns, Trump and associated political groups have funneled more than $28 million in campaign donations to his businesses – helping convert the enthusiasm of his political supporters into personal profit.

Other Republicans have followed suit, spending millions at Trump’s properties in an apparent attempt to curry favor with the former president and signal their allegiance to him to GOP voters.

Some of the candidates who’ve spent the most money on Trump businesses in recent years have been new politicians who won the former president’s endorsement despite a lack of past electoral experience or success, including Moreno, former Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker and Arizona Senate hopeful Kari Lake.

If he loses I guess he’ll have to go back to shilling cheap consumer goods. Will anyone buy them?

If A GOPer Falls In The Woods…

If the Democrats thought that having Republicans speak at the convention might help persuade some Trump skeptical GOP voters to come over to the other side, it’s doubtful it worked, unfortunately. At least if those voters were watching on Fox:

Fox News did not air a second of the speeches from alienated GOP leaders and former Trump officials who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at this week’s Democratic National Convention.

The DNC speakers included former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who spoke in prime-time before Harris’ Thursday keynote; former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan; former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham; Olivia Troye, who served as a homeland security aide to former Vice President Mike Pence; and Mesa, Arizona, Mayor John Giles.

MSNBC and CNN treated those speeches as newsworthy, airing each of them in full, according to a Media Matters review of the networks’ convention coverage. But Fox hid the content of all of those speeches from their viewers, often displaying the video on screen without audio as the network’s on-air hosts and guests offered commentary.

It’s not hard to figure out why: Fox is a Trumpist propaganda organ that helped the former president purge the GOP of his critics and is working tirelessly to return him to the White House. 

Say what you will about MSNBC being a liberal version of Fox, they would not do something like this. If Democrats were speaking at the RNC, they would show them. In fact, it would be a big story. Fox is just shamelessly shilling for Trump and protecting the GOP.

Somebody’s Fuming

@msnbc A look at two very different 2024 roll calls: RNC vs. DNC. #dnc #rnc #kamalaharris #donaldtrump #trump #joebiden #music #election2024 #chicago #news #politics ♬ original sound – MSNBC

The Nielsen ratings are rigged, of course:

Nielsen data showed that Harris’ well-received acceptance speech was watched by 29 million viewers across 15 networks.

The figure is 14% higher than for Trump’s speech, which scored 25.4 million viewers July 19. Harris also drew substantially more than the 24.6 million viewers who watched Joe Biden’s acceptance speech at the convention in 2020 and about the same as the 29.8 million viewers who tuned in to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Harris helped herself by keeping her speech to 37 minutes. Trump’s 90-minute-plus stem-winder went on well past midnight on the East Coast.

The speech caps a successful week for the Democratic National Convention, which topped the audience for the GOP’s gathering every night this week.

Poor Trumpie.

Republicans Once Pined For The 1950s

Extreme right meets extreme past

Did Republicans build a time machine out of a DeLorean? It seems they’re pining for the time of slavery (Alternet):

A prominent Republican group is citing one of the most reviled Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions in American history to justify its case that Vice President Kamala Harris should be deemed ineligible to run under the U.S. Constitution.

In an official resolution, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) – a 90 year-old GOP-aligned organization that counted former President Ronald Reagan among its membership — took the position that Harris should not be allowed to hold the office of president, citing several “precedent-setting U.S. Supreme Court cases.” Among the six cases the NFRA cited was the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision of 1857, which is regarded as one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, if not the worst ever.

“Several states, candidates, and major political parties have ignored this fundamental Presidential qualification, including candidates Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy and Kamala Harris whose parents were not American citizens at the time of their birth,” the NFRA’s resolution read.

The resolution — which attorney Andrew Fleischman posted to the social media platform Bluesky — cited Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, which pertains to only natural-born U.S. citizens being eligible to serve as president. The NFRA argued that the phrase “natural born citizen” is defined as “a person born on American soil of parents who are both citizens of the United States at the time of the child’s birth.”

However, as numerous Bluesky users observed, applying the NFRA’s interpretation of that clause would have made multiple U.S. presidents ineligible to hold office, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among others. Dallas-based attorney Santiago Reich pointed out that because those presidents’ parents were born on land classified as British colonies at the time, they would not meet the standard the NFRA set to define natural-born citizenship.

One of the other SCOTUS decisions the NFRA cited in its resolution was the 1939 Perkins v. Elg case, which states: “A child born here of alien parentage becomes a citizen of the United States.” Reich called the NFRA “pretty f—ing bold” to cite a decision that undermines their core argument.

Other Bluesky users responding to Fleischman’s post further argued that the mere existence of the 13th Amendment (the abolition of slavery), the 14th Amendment (equal protection for formerly enslaved Americans) and the 19th Amendment (universal women’s suffrage) make the cases the NFRA cited in its resolution invalid.

“All of these cases except Perkins v. Elg have been abrogated or are completely unrelated,” one user wrote. “Dredd[sic] Scott was overturned entirely by the 14th and its text cannot be meaningfully cited for any reason whatsof—ingever.”

The Dred Scott case concerned a slave from Missouri who then lived in the free states of Illinois — which sided with the Union in the Civil War — and Wisconsin (which was initially a part of the Louisiana Territory that did not have slavery due to the 1820 Missouri Compromise). When Dred Scott sued for his freedom, the Supreme Court denied his petition stating that he lacked the standing to sue in federal court.

In the decision, Chief Justice Roger Taney asserted that Article III of the U.S. Constitution made it impossible for the descendants of slaves to have the rights of citizenship. The Supreme Court’s own website has since referred to Dred Scott v. Sandford as a legal and practical mistake.”

Donald J. Trump is a legal and practical mistake too. Not that it matters when defending white Christian nationalists from having to share this country with people not like themselves.

A quick perusal of the NFRA document reveals it advocates the constitutional sheriff movement-adjacent “Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates,” “Holy Scripture,” and “natural and revealed laws of God” as the basis for governance. Oh, and the upholding of “natural societal order of submission to legitimate authority, parents and children, employers and employees, coaches and athletes, teachers and students, etc.” Guess who’s legitimate and natural and who’s not?

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Elizabeth Warren And The DFHs

A memo went out Thursday night

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) of Massachusetts holds back tears Thursday night in Chicago.

An old speaker’s trick at the end introductory applause is to settle one’s hands on the sides of the podium to quiet an audience and signal time to begin speaking. When Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts tried that on Thursday night, the cheers seemed for a moment as if they might subside. But Democratic National Convention delegates packed to the rafters in Chicago’s United Center were not having it. The cheers swelled anew, and louder still. Overcome with emotion, Warren pulled back from the podium a half step and wiped away a tear.

Warren’s ovation was the loudest and longest of any speaker save for President Joe Biden’s hero’s welcome late Monday night, and Vice President Kamala Harris’s on Thursday as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. President Barack Obama’s matched Warren’s welcome in length but not in intensity. It was immediate and rapturous, as if springing from delegates’ hearts and souls. 

Joe Biden’s and Nancy Pelosi’s legacies will not be fully appreciated until historians weave together how their personal stories and battle scars, legislative accomplishments and deep political skills, built the country this generation’s children will inherit.

Nevertheless, what we witnessed in Chicago was not only a generational passing of the Democratic Party’s torch from Biden to Harris, but the passing of an entire generation of Democratic establishment, though they may not yet know it. 

The term netroots gained traction in the early aughts as a label for progressive bloggers and activists who found each other and built community on the Internet. The annual activist conference that became Netroots Nation sprang from that community in 2006. (Warren has been a regular speaker since before becoming senator from Massachusetts in 2013.) A running joke was that the Democratic establishment considered them “dirty hippies.” DFH is the family friendly acronym the community adopted for how establishment Democrats really saw the upstarts without saying so out loud, at least in public.

As brusque congressman and then Vermont senator and presidential candidate, independent Bernie Sanders championed their progressive policy goals. But Warren’s ovation reflects how firmly her warmer populism has taken root in the wider party and won Democrats’ hearts.

The DNC convention’s message was clear, US editor Betsy Reed writes this morning in The Guardian: “this is Harris’s party now.”

But is it?

Democratic Socialists of America candidate, former bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, then 28, came from nowhere in 2018 to upset Rep. Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary in his Bronx and Queens district after outraising her 10-1. The veteran Crowley, leader of the local Democratic machine, was seen as possible next in line to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He’s gone. DNC delegates chanted A-O-C when she took the stage on Monday night.

Harris has moved left since arriving in Washington, but despite Donald Trump’s branding her far left, she is not. But if Warren’s stunning welcome was any indication, Harris may be lagging somewhat behind the party she now leads. If progressive politicos are DFHs, the United Center was filled to the brim with them on Thursday night.

This is no longer Sens. Chuck Schumer’s or Dick Durbin’s Democratic Party, nor even Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s. Did they get the memo?

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Friday Night Soother

Wolf pups!

When we visit dens, we try to count the number of pups in the den. However, we often cannot see all the way in the den so we set up trail cameras at the den to see how many pups are in it.

Sometimes the trail camera footage verifies our initial pup count and other times we realize how many pups we “missed”. E.g., when we visited this den a few weeks ago we counted 5 pups. When we checked our trail camera footage, we realized there were actually 8 pups!

Thought And Prayers

There’s a lot of that pearl clutching on the right today. But I think every official in the Democratic party sent their thoughts and prayers right after it happened and now it’s passed through the memory hole. Isn’t that how this is supposed to work?

Real America Gets Smaller By The Day

Now this is funny:

That’s right. Minnesota is teeming with foreigners and Tim Walz is a Chinese agent. You heard that right. James Comer has sent a letter to FBI Director Wray telling him that his committee is conducting a big investigation into Chinese political warfare and has some questions about Walz:

It has come to the Committee’s attention that Governor Walz has longstanding connections to CCP-connected entities and officials that make him susceptible to the Party’s strategy of elite capture, which seeks to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural, and academic circles to influence the United States to the benefit of the communist regime and the detriment of Americans. Reporting about Governor Walz’s extensive engagement with CCP officials and entities while serving in public office raises questions about possible CCP influence in his decision-making as governor—and, should he be elected, as vice president.

FFS. Public Notice has Walz’s story and it’s actually pretty great:

In 1989, when he was all of 25-years-old, Walz spent a year teaching high school in China. He went on to lead many student trips to the country, something Comer and his fellow goons have tried to spin as nefarious.

Comer got some help spreading his latest innuendo campaign Monday evening from Fox News’s Jesse Watters.

“If an American goes to China 30 times in the ‘90s, they have surveillance footage of him,” Watters vamped.

“China thinks long term,” Comer agreed, affecting grave concern while invoking old-timey Orientalist stereotypes. “It’s very possible that China would be grooming an up-and-coming rising star in the political process to try to have a foothold in our government.”

How wise of the CCP to have noticed this high school teacher 35 years ago and intuited that he would one day be the vice president!

“When you look at Hunter Biden’s ties with Communist China, it was for money,” Comer went on. “It looks like Walz’s ties may be for ideology. And this is something that we should be concerned about.”

From Walz’s 24-year military service and his career as a school teacher Comer deduces that the governor harbors communist leanings.

“If you look at Walz’s background, if you look at his ideology and the things he talked about when he ran for attorney general and he ran for governor, this is a guy that really has embraced China’s view of the world,” he went on, despite the fact that Walz is not a lawyer and never ran for attorney general.

But that didn’t stop the intrepid congressman from denigrating a lifetime of public service and a modest bank account as red flags for Red China.

“We have a guy who’s never been in the private sector, he’s worked for the government his whole life, from looking at his financial background, it doesn’t look like he owns any stocks, his retirement’s in a government pension plan,” said Comer, who has held public office since 2001 when he was 28-years-old and will collect both state and federal pensions. “This guy’s very dependent on the government, and I believe he thinks that the business model that China’s had may be the ideal business model for the united states.”

The usual suspects profess to be very disturbed.

“Tim Walz owes the American people an explanation about his unusual, 35-year relationship with Communist China,” Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio went even further, calling Walz “an example of how Beijing patiently grooms future American leaders” to “push for policies that allow China to steal our jobs & factories & flood America with drugs.”

In reality, Walz has been a steadfast critic of the Chinese government’s human rights abuses, while at the same time advocating for greater engagement with the Chinese people. He’s met with the Dalai Lama and accused the CCP of ethnic cleansing of minorities, including the Uyghurs.

“What I saw was not just modernization. I saw the cultural shift, or the culturacide, if you may,” then-Rep. Walz said at a 2009 congressional hearing on Human Rights and the Law in China.

None of which is going to please the Chinese government or allow Beijing to “steal our jobs & factories & flood America with drugs.” But that will not stop the GOP from pretending the former football coach and National Guardsman, who retired and then re-enlisted after September 11, is a Chinese spy.

Sen. Ron Johnson further condemned him for getting married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Seriously.

Walz is a very interesting person who is not only a salt-o-the-earth guy who spent his life in public service. Hes also a sophisticated man of the world who has spent time outside the country and understands how the world works. We should value these things in our leaders instead of extolling phonies like Orange Julius Caesar whose entire worldview was formed by watching Larry King back in the 1980s and reading the NY Post.

Tim Walz’s knowledge and experience in China are a huge asset. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. .